How Music Will Change Post-Pandemic & Is History Repeating Itself?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,212
    Over the years, as a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. (in residence 1964-1966 & 1976-1977), I've benefited greatly from the cross-discipline interaction and discussion amongst colleagues, even from a distance via the excellent network the IAS keeps with its nonresident members.

    Just today (April 27th), I received by email the latest edition of the IAS Teatime at Home (in lieu of the daily teatimes which have are not possible with the Institute buildings being closed during the coronavirus quarantine). In this current issue is a link to an IAS article: David Lang on How Music Will Change Post-Pandemic that I found not only interesting but also sobering and thought provoking; hence, I'm happy to share this article on the MusicaSacra forum.

    David Lang is a Pulitzer Prize winning classical composer, Professor of Music Composition at the Yale School of Music, Artist in Residence at the Institute for Advanced Study, Curator of the Institute's Edward T. Cone Concert Series. For Teatime at Home, Prof. Lang is also curating recordings of past series performances (a performance of the Bach Goldberg variations is linked to in the article).

    Equally interesting, to me at least, is another article linked to in the current issue of Teatime at Home: Ancient Plagues and COVID-19: Is History Repeating Itself? - an interview with Angelos Chaniotis, Professor of Ancient History and Classics in the School of Historical Studies at the Institute of Advanced Study.

    I hope readers here will find these two articles as informative, thought-provoking, and edifying as I have.