Graduale 1871
  • Out of curiosity, does anyone use the simplified French Graduale ( linked here from time to time or regularly? I find myself using it periodically (for the OF) when I can't put in the time to learn the full GR propers but I don't want to use a psalm tone. Also, does anyone know if hypothetically using it for the EF would be licit?

    (Also, as a tangent, how can it be licit to use Chants Abreges in the EF when the rubrics seem to indicate that you must only use either the full GR chant or a psalm tone?)
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,004
    I, personally, wouldn't recommend using the pre 1912 chant books. Especially in the OF, because the Second Vatican Council clearly called for a revision of the chants books and the preparation of more critical editions of those books already published since the restoration by St. Pius X. It would be opposite to what is intended.

    If you are having trouble with certain chants from the Graduale, or don't have sufficient time to rehearse them, there is always the option to use another (easier) chant from the same liturgical time, or you can use chants from the Graduale simplex.
    Thanked by 1madorganist
  • madorganist
    Posts: 906
    First, it's a mischaracterization to regard the 1871 Pustet Gradual as French. It's from a German publisher and ultimately based on Italian alterations to the chant. In the OF, almost anything goes, at least in practice. In the EF, it's not licit to use it unless you're in a diocese that has an indult to do so (which are few). The 1908 Vatican Gradual was to have supplanted the Medicaean edition. Any other editions admitted for use in the EF must be based on ancient manuscripts.

    I haven't used Chants Abreges extensively, but as far as I can tell, it is essentially psalm tones, albeit rather ornamented ones, with the alleluia jubilus preserved. The title page even says SUR DES FORMULES PSALMODIQUES ANCIENNES (sorry, not trying to scream, just too lazy to retype the French!).