Strangest Easter Week ever...
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    The Holy week thread is not really appropriate to post Easter week Masses... so have started a new thread,

    Paroisse Saint-Eugène - Sainte-Cécile, Paris, has been fantastic over the Triduum, Henri et co. have been working very hard.

    The Mass of Easter Monday, Solemn High Mass, with Plainchant, the Organists among us may enjoy the voluntary at the Offertory...

    They will broadcast Tuesdays Mass...
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    I sang the live-streamed noon TLM Easter Mass at my parish.
    Mass I, Credo I, with full propers - only the Gloria and the time to fill in offertory incensing, and the pre- postlude used organ.

    Because we had so much rain, we had a late, elaborate indoor scavenger Easter hunt for our kids.

    Then, immediately upon completing it (pics still show our Easter baskets on the livingroom floor, from having just been explored), a tornado came through at 11:45pm and completely devastated our entire neighborhood community, including our house - though we are safe and healthy. Neighbors helping neighbors left coronavirus out of mind.
    My husband is back there, now, trying to safely collect anything of immediate value to us.
    Our pastor called this morning to say Mass was offered, in part, for us, and we were included in morning prayer's intentions.

    Very strange, indeed.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,881
    o my gosh @Ccooze... what is the condition of your house? can you go back in?
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • What's a little virus when there's a tornado to devastate the entire neighborhood!

    Prayers for all who suffer from the tornado in your neighborhood.

    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • My regrets and prayers for your loss, Mrs Cooze.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,212
    I'm so sorry to learn of this, Corinne. Prayers for you, your family, and your community.
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • CatherineS
    Posts: 690
    Prayers for you and your neighbors! God keep you!
  • Prayers to all affected by the weather. Horrible!
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Then a tornado came through at 11:45pm and completely devastated our entire neighborhood community, including our house

    I saw those tornado pics this morning when I went to work at the federal power producer for the entire region. Houses were down, people were injured, stores flattened and power lines down everywhere. It will take days to restore just the power. Truly awful and you were lucky to escape with your life. Prayers for you and all who were affected. I didn't realize you lived in that part of Chattanooga.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Here are some more pictures.

    I was told the tornado was an EF3, 136–165 mph,

    Thanked by 2CHGiffen cesarfranck
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    Yes, by the grace of God we were spared any injuries - praying the Rosary, chanting the Regina Caeli/Stella Caeli extirpavit between decades, while huddled beneath the stairs as the tornado ravaged the neighborhood.
    This is our neighborhood:
    My house:
    (The garage is intact, and so we at least have what is in there, though it was all rained on.)

    @CharlesW, we moved out into this subdivision, but still travel downtown for Mass at the Basilica, which has always been my home parish.

    My husband was able to go in with some family members today, and get a few loads of things, which are now at my in-laws' whose home is running on generator power.

    Sorry to have hijacked your thread - it's just literally the strangest Easter Week, ever.
    I even have a TLM wedding on the schedule for Saturday, and my son turns 4 on Sunday. So, that will be an interesting end to a very surreal week.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    CCooze: It looks really bad and I certainly pray for you folks. I hope you can rebuild quickly. My employer from which I retired and have now gone back to work for part-time, lost some transmission lines. Replacing those is not an instant task. Then the local utility has to replace their damaged equipment. You guys have a hard road ahead. Again, many prayers for you.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    @CCooze, We will be praying for you in London. Do please let us know if there is anything that we can do for you.
    Thanked by 1CatherineS
  • francis
    Posts: 10,881

    You are in my daily rosary and prayers (including the chanting I have undertaken through 'Cantus In Angustiis'

    Please keep us informed of how things proceed for you and your family.

    Let us know if you have needs (financial, spiritual, physical, etc.) and perhaps we can offer you assistance.
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    CCooze: So sorry for this added trial for you and your family! Thanks be to God you are safe and please know that you and your neighbors are in my prayers!
  • Ccooze
    Francis said all the things I wanted to say.
    God bless
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    Thank you, all.
    You are wonderfully kind, and I greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
    We're just trying to wrap our heads around it all, and take the appropriate steps to get things sorted out.
    The highlight for today was my husband finding our mailbox, and realizing there was still a package in it. The children are enjoying our bouncing from family guest room to family guest room. Because of coronavirus, we haven't seen as much of our family, as of late, and so this part of the situation is a treat for them.
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    When you've been singing it for a month, anyway... you realize that you've basically memorized different chants. I really think the Stella Caeli extirpavit was a great help during the tornado:
    We recorded ourselves praying it that night, and then again recorded my son singing it today:

    We are in a hotel, waiting to get an apartment, and then to demolish and rebuild our home.
    Our church community (as well as the random groups that have come together to bring food, drinks, supplies to us while clearing the rubble in the neighborhood) has been a wonderful help throughout all of this, and I think them and you all for your prayers and support.

    We feel truly blessed to be where we are, right now, and are dealing with it as graciously as we can, and offering up whatever else.
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    @CCooze: Oh my. I had no idea. I am SO sorry about all of this! How awful. We will pray for you that you get what you need and are able to rebuild. ((((hugs))))
  • cesarfranck
    Posts: 162
    CCooze:. I am extremely sorry for your losses during the tornado and grateful that lives of your loved ones were not lost. We experienced the tornado in full force -- the worst tornado since 1879 in our county. Our home is fine and we were not injured. Three cars in our yard are still under huge, fallen oak trees. In regards to Holy Week and Easter Week, a six voice ensemble from our choir recorded music separately from the spoken liturgy. A parishioner with excellent technical skills "spliced" music and liturgy together. These efforts were well received. I requested that for the remainder of April, one hymn from Easter Day be meshed into the video which will be recorded by our priest.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    @CCooze I'm very sorry for this. I saw Fr. Carter had been doing "drive by benediction", but I was really hoping that none of the parishioners were actually affected. Please let us know if there's anything we can do (I'm in Birmingham). This Sunday looks bad again for us down here, but we'll hope God is merciful.

    I'm glad your kids are adapting: that is my biggest worry with this sort of thing. God bless you all, and know we're praying for you!
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Meditation for Low Sunday, from "The Liturgical Year, Gueranger"
    Our neophytes closed the Octave of the Resurrection yesterday. They were before us in receiving the admirable mystery; their solemnity would finish earlier than ours. This, then, is the eighth clay for us who kept the Pasch on the Sunday, and did not anticipate it on the vigil. It reminds us of all the glory and joy of that Feast of Feasts, which united the whole of Christendom in one common feeling of triumph. It is the day of light, which takes the place of the Jewish Sabbath. Henceforth, the first day of the week is to be kept holy. Twice has the Son of God honoured it with the manifestation of His almighty power. The Pasch, therefore, is always to be celebrated on the Sunday; and thus, every Sunday becomes a sort of Paschal Feast, as we have already explained in the Mystery of Easter.

    Our Risen Jesus gave an additional proof of His wishing the Sunday to be, henceforth, the privileged day. He reserved the second visit He intended to pay to all His disciples for this the eighth day since His Resurrection. During the previous days, He has left Thomas a prey to doubt; but, to-day He shows Himself to this Apostle, as well as to the others, and obliges Him, by irresistible evidence, to lay aside His incredulity. Thus does our Saviour again honour the Sunday. The Holy Ghost will come down from heaven upon this same day of the week, making it the commencement of the Christian Church: Pentecost will complete the glory of this favoured day.

    Jesus’ apparition to the Eleven, and the victory He gains over the incredulous Thomas, — these are the special subjects the Church brings before us today. By this apparition, which is the seventh since His Resurrection, our Saviour wins the perfect faith of His disciples. It was impossible not to recognise God, in the patience, the majesty, and the charity of Him who showed Himself to them. Here again, our human thoughts are disconcerted; we should have thought this delay excessive; it would have seemed to us, that our Lord ought to have, at once, either removed the sinful doubt from Thomas’ mind, or punished him for his disbelief. But no: Jesus is infinite wisdom, and infinite goodness. In His wisdom, He makes this tardy acknowledgment of Thomas become a new argument of the truth of the Resurrection; in His goodness, He brings the heart of the incredulous disciple to repentance, humility, and love, yea, to a fervent and solemn retractation of all his disbelief. We will not here attempt to describe this admirable scene, which holy Church is about to bring before us. We will select, for our today’s instruction, the important lesson given by Jesus to His disciple, and, through him, to us all. It is the leading instruction of the Sunday, the Octave of the Pasch, and it behooves us not to pass it by, for, more than any other, it tells us the leading characteristic of a Christian, shows us the cause of our being so listless in God’s service, and points out to us the remedy for our spiritual ailments.

    Jesus says to Thomas: “Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed!” Such is the great truth, spoken by the lips of the God-Man: it is a most important counsel, given, not only to Thomas, but to all who would serve God and secure their salvation. What is it that Jesus asks of His disciple ? Has He not heard him make profession that now, at last, he firmly believes? After all, was there any great fault in Thomas’ insisting on having experimental evidence before believing in so extraordinary a miracle as the Resurrection? Was he obliged to trust to the testimony of Peter and the others, under penalty of offending his divine Master? Did he not evince his prudence, by withholding his assent until he had additional proofs of the truth of what his Brethren told him? Yes, Thomas was a circumspect and prudent man, and one that was slow to believe what he had heard; he was worthy to be taken as a model by those Christians, who reason and sit in judgment upon matters of faith. And yet, listen to the reproach made him by Jesus. It is merciful, and, withal, so severe! This Jesus has so far condescended to the weakness of His disciple, as to accept the condition, on which alone he declares that he will believe: now that the disciple stands trembling before his Risen Lord, and exclaims, in the earnestness of faith: “My Lord! and my God!” oh! see how Jesus chides him! This stubbornness, this incredulity, deserves a punishment: — the punishment is, to have these words said to him: “Thomas! thou hast believed, because thou hast seen!”

    Then, was Thomas obliged to believe before having seen? Yes, undoubtedly. Not only Thomas, but all the Apostles were in duty bound to believe the Resurrection of Jesus, even before He showed himself to them. Had they not lived three years with Him? Had they not seen Him prove himself to be the Messias and Son of God by the most undeniable miracles? Had He not foretold them, that He would rise again on the third day? As to the humiliations and cruelties of His Passion, had He not told them, a short time previous to it, that He was to be seized by the Jews, in Jerusalem, and be delivered to the Gentiles? that He was to be scourged, spit upon, and put to death? (Luke 18:32-33)

    After all this, they ought to have believed in His triumphant Resurrection, the very first moment they heard of His Body having disappeared. As soon as John had entered the sepulchre, and seen the winding sheet, he at once ceased to doubt, he believed. But, it is seldom that man is so honest as this; he hesitates, and God must make still further advances, if He would have us give our faith! Jesus condescended even to this: He made further advances. He showed Himself to Magdalene and her companions, who were not incredulous, but only carried away by natural feeling, though the feeling was one of love for their Master. When the Apostles heard their account of what had happened, they were treated as women, whose imagination had got the better of their judgment. Jesus had to come in person: He showed Himself to these obstinate men, whose pride made them forget all that He had said and done, and which ought to have been sufficient to make them believe in His Resurrection. Yes, it was pride, for faith has no other obstacle than this. If man were humble, he would have faith enough to move mountains.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    To return to our Apostle — Thomas had heard Magdalene, and he despised her testimony; he had heard Peter, and he objected to his authority; he had heard the rest of his fellow-Apostles and the two disciples of Emmaus, and no, he would not give up his own opinion. How many there are among us, who are like him in this! We never think of doubting what is told us by a truthful and disinterested witness, unless the subject touch upon the supernatural; and then, we have a hundred difficulties. It is one of the sad consequences left in us by original sin. Like Thomas, we would see the thing ourselves: that alone is enough to keep us from the fullness of the truth. We comfort ourselves with the reflection that, after all, we are Disciples of Christ; as did Thomas, who kept in union with his brother-Apostles, only he shared not their happiness. He saw their happiness, but he considered it to be a weakness of mind, and was glad that he was free from it!

    How like this is to our modern rationalistic Catholic! He believes, but it is because his reason almost forces him to believe; he believes with his mind, rather than from his heart. His faith is a scientific deduction, and not a generous longing after God and supernatural truth. Hence, how cold and powerless is this faith! how cramped and ashamed! how afraid of believing too much! Unlike the generous unstinted faith of the saints, it is satisfied with fragments of truth, with what the Scripture terms diminished truths. (Psalm 11:2) It seems ashamed of itself. It speaks in a whisper, lest it should be criticised; and when it does venture to make itself heard, it adopts a phraseology, which may take off the sound of the divine. As to those miracles which it wishes had never taken place, and which it would have advised God not to work, they are a forbidden subject. The very mention of a miracle, particularly if it have happened in our own times, puts it into a state of nervousness. The lives of the saints, their heroic virtues, their sublime sacrifices — it has a repugnance to the whole thing! It talks gravely about those who are not of the true religion being unjustly dealt with by the Church in Catholic countries: it asserts that the same liberty ought to be granted to error as to truth: it has very serious doubts whether the world has been a great loser by the secularization of society.

    Now, it was the for the instruction of persons of this class that our Lord spoke those words to Thomas: Blessed are they who have not seen, and have believed. Thomas sinned in not having the readiness of mind to believe. Like him, we also are in danger of sinning, unless our faith have a certain expansiveness, which makes us see everything with the eye of faith, and gives our faith that progress which God recompenses with a superabundance of light and joy. Yes, having once become members of the Church, it is our duty to look upon all things from a supernatural point of view. There is no danger of going too far, for we have the teachings of an infallible authority to guide us. The just man liveth by faith. Faith is his daily bread. His mere natural life becomes transformed for good and all, if only he be faithful to his Baptism. Could we suppose that the Church, after all her instructions to her neophytes, and after all those sacred rites of their Baptism which are so expressive of the supernatural life, would be satisfied to see them straightaway adopt that dangerous system which drives faith into a nook of the heart and understanding and conduct, leaving all the rest to natural principles or instinct? No, it could not be so. Let us, therefore, imitate St. Thomas in his confession, and acknowledge that, hitherto, our faith has not been perfect. Let us go to our Jesus, and say to him: “Thou art my Lord and my God! But, alas! I have many times thought and acted as though Thou wert my Lord and my God in some things, and not in others. Henceforth, I will believe without seeing; for I would be of the number of those whom Thou callest blessed!”

    This Sunday, commonly called with us, Low Sunday, has two names assigned to it in the Liturgy: Quasimodo, from the first word of the Introit; and Sunday in albis (or, more explicitly, in albis depositis,) because it was on this day, that the neophytes assisted at the Church services attired in their ordinary dress. In the Middle-Ages, it was called Close-Pasch, no doubt in allusion to its being the last day of the Easter Octave. Such is the solemnity of this Sunday, that not only is it of a Greater Double rite, but no Feast, however great, can ever be kept upon it.

    At Rome, the Station is in the Basilica of Saint Pancratius, on the Aurelian Way. Ancient writers have not mentioned the reason of this Church being chosen for to-day’s assembly of the Faithful. It may, perhaps, have been on account of the Saint’s being only fourteen years old when put to death, a circumstance which gave the young Martyr a sort of right to have the Neophytes round him, now that they were returning to their every day life.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    BruceL and CCooze, stay safe. I have friends in Chattanooga and a relative in Birmingham. Both places could get hammered again tonight and Monday. I hope and pray not.
    Thanked by 3tomjaw CHGiffen BruceL
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    we'll hope God is merciful.

    Well, that's one take on Divine Mercy Sunday.
    Thanked by 1Carol
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    I have wondered - let the rocks, slings and arrows fly - if we had not had a Polish pope, would anyone have even heard of Divine Mercy Sunday?
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    Poles and Lithuanians and some others. The devotion to the Sacred Heart of course is worldwide and goes back longer.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen CCooze
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    @BruceL, yes, Fr. Carter unfortunately couldn't actually get to/near many of the affected areas, though.
    He did offer us Holy Communion after the wedding yesterday, though, which a beautiful source of comfort and renewed strength.
    With various bishops beginning to allow for minimally attended Mass, I hope this starts becoming more prevalent. People need real access to the Sacraments, especially in this time of uncertainty.

    We will pray the Litany to the Sacred Heart tonight.
    While we have gotten most of what remained into a POD Container that is sitting on our property, I do hope the devastation does not worsen, as those of our neighbors fortunate enough to have roofs (though still no power) are relying on tarps and roofing patches to keep them protected from tonight's forecasted storms.

    Ron, we know that God is merciful, but that doesn't stop us from daily/weekly reiterating "Lord, have mercy."

    - - - - -

    An extension to unforeseen blessing of cousin-visiting from all this: so many siblings came into town to help, I decided to have an impromptu surprise party for my son last night.
    What had started as maybe being a small party at home with just us grew to a party with over 10 people (*gasp*), some levity needed by all.
    Many on our side of town has definitely come to the realization that an imminent threat of death is worse than maybe getting a bad cold virus.

    God is good. We will continue to praise Him. Alleluia.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Happy Easter to those celebrating on the calendar used by Christians of the true faith. It is Orthodox Easter today. I watched the live stream from a nearby Orthodox church.

    And prayers continue for those in the path of those storms.
    Thanked by 3tomjaw Salieri CHGiffen
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    First, and foremost, prayers for you, Corinne, and your family, as well as your neighbors.

    Happy Easter to those celebrating on the calendar used by Christians of the true faith.

    This made me chuckle, thinking of a Ukrainian Catholic priest that I know who at one point was pastor of two parishes, one Old Calendar, the other New: He sang Divine Liturgy for Pascha in one parish, then drove across town back to Lent in the other one. At least the West is unified in our Calendarial Heresy.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    I think the calendar disputes are kind of funny. I tried watching a live stream today of the local Latin liturgy. The soprano, whose voice dominated all others, had such bad vibrato it was like listening to machine gun fire. I switched over to the Orthodox liturgy and enjoyed sans soprano. LOL.
    Thanked by 3tomjaw CHGiffen Carol
  • francis
    Posts: 10,881
    the soprano, whose voice dominated all others, had such bad vibrato it was like listening to machine gun fire.
    The scourge of the diva... add to it, 1/4 step flat and then get back to me.
    Thanked by 2CharlesW Carol
  • such bad vibrato

    In terms of sacred music, and the Holy Week which is the subject of this thread (ostensibly, anyway) is any noticeable vibrato bad vibrato?
  • Schönbergian
    Posts: 1,063
    I would say no; what most singers (those to be distinguished from musicians) call "vibrato" is actually a "wobble" with no clear centre to the pitch. My natural vibrato (as a light voice) is about as wide as the most extreme violin vibrato; much further and the deviation from the pitch becomes more apparent sonically than the pitch itself.

    Some singers I know in the highest echelons possess this problem, apparently think it sounds good, and their teachers have trained them to the highest levels of vocal technique without once correcting this fundamentally unmusical problem. No wonder instrumentalists think so poorly of singers.
  • Schoenbergian,

    If we take is as given that each human voice has natural vibrato, and we take as at one pole the Vienna Boys' Choir (or Kings' Cambridge) and at the other end some singer with so wide a vibrato that the opinions on this forum would fit inside with much room to spare.... the more noticeable the vibrato, the more distracting it is and, therefore, the more unsuited it is to sacred music?
  • Schönbergian
    Posts: 1,063
    I don't think it's that simple. Vibrato is an expressive technique that absolutely has a place; it's only after it crosses the threshold of obscuring pitch that it becomes unacceptable.

    As an analogy, one wants a strong organ registration for leading the congregation, but that doesn't mean that as one moves from "full organ" to a 4' flute, the ability of the organist to lead the congregation progressively decreases at exactly the same rate. Nor does it mean that every hymn deserves a "full organ" registration.
  • Schoenbergian,

    Yes, I completely agree.
  • Significant vibrato can also be problematic when it draws attention and “obscures” other voice parts.
    Of course, this is my $0.02.
    Thanked by 3Carol francis CCooze
  • Corinne,

    Was there, at one point, a second storey on your house? Can you show us "before" pictures, to get an even greater sense of the destruction?
  • .
  • CatherineS
    Posts: 690
    How is everyone doing?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,881

    I am doing OK... chanting a LOT of prayers and singing a lot of songs (I have a 12 string Martin)

    I have found a way to simulate (yea, MJO, a simulacrum, I hate to admit) the church organ in my living room with Garageband... will demonstrate in the not too distant future with an mp3.

    "I say to you, that if these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out."
    Jesus Christ speaking to the Pharisees
    Thanked by 1CatherineS
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    CGZ, I updated the album to show more photos.
  • Corinne,

    Yikes! Thank you for the new pictures.
    Your refrigerator and washing machine survived, did they, but the room where they were located isn't fit to contain them any more?
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    CGZ, those were extras that we had down in the garage (unworking - the previous owners left them), waiting for a way to get rid of them, since we live in the county, and so don't get "free" city bulk pickup. I guess this is as good a time as any for them to finally be hauled off.

    Our actual washer and dryer did make it out fine, though, as the laundry hookups were in the garage (we were trying to get a quote to have them moved into the house proper, when coronavirus happened, and we couldn't get a contractor to visit). A lot of water/rain came into the garage, but the laundry corner managed to stay dry - so that isn't something we'll have to replace!
    Our fridge, though - along with the adjacent upper cabinets - was "tossed" across the kitchen, onto our breakfast nook, when that back wall was hit.
    Thanked by 2bhcordova CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    Happy my fellow Isaac-ist is safe, and sorry to hear of your travails, which put smaller woes in perspective.