Fun with the Post-communion
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,037
    Did anyone else notice that the first three lines of today's post-communion prayer were in meter? I expanded that, keeping the same sense of the text. The tune is GOTT DER VATER, WOHN UNS BEI. Could be a nice Thanksgiving Hymn after communion, if you happen to have some kind of assembly that is up to such a massive chorale. Or perhaps a nice text to use with the (slightly adapted) Bach chorale harmonization of the tune with your choir.

    "Nourished by your saving gifts,
    we beseech your mercy, Lord,
    that by this same Sacrament,
    we be kept in one accord.

    You feed us this very day,
    our truest Food and dearest Friend:
    keep us in your holy way,
    until that day which has no end.

    There may we be partakers
    of your own life, our Maker
    and ever singing, praising,
    extol your love amazing.

    Amen, amen, be it done
    through Christ, our Lord, your only Son."

    (c) 2020 -- Permission to use / copy for liturgical purposes. No attribution necessary.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • No, but the communion antiphon for the votive Mass of the sacred Heart starts out to the same melody of “Camp town ladies sing this song” and I have to force myself not to habitually sing “doo-dah”.
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,037
    Especially when the intoning organist stops at just the right places... "Unus Militum"