• https://dappledthings.org/16264/friday-links-part-ii-march-27-202/

    courtesy of a friend of mine, who writes for Dappled Things

    Based on Psalm 151
    1. O Lord, to whom ǀ hygiene ● be- ǀ longeth:
    Hear the cry of thy ǀ servants ǀ when they ǀ call.
    2. For we lie in self ǀ iso- ǀ lation:
    And there is ǀ nothing ǀ on T – ǀ V.
    3. For lo, the nation ǀ is a- ǀ drift:
    The princes of the people have ǀ cast us ǀ from the ǀ pub.
    4. Thy people do run about the ǀ shops in ǀ panic:
    They stockpile all the ǀ loo roll ● and the ǀ bakèd ǀ beans.
    5. The priests of thy temple sit all day ǀ at their ǀ desks:
    In the social ǀ distance ǀ of their ǀ hearts.
    6. They preside from the altar of their ǀ King ● and their ǀ God:
    As ǀ if ● they are ǀ on The ǀ One Show.
    7. Smite them, O Lord, that washeth ǀ not their ǀ hands:
    For we each must sing Happy Birthday at ǀ least ten ǀ times a ǀ day.
    8. But thou, O Lord, have ǀ mercy ● up- ǀ on us:
    Endue a goodly heritage on ǀ Netflix ǀ and on ǀ Prime.
    9. Restore your people to health and prosperity again,
    That music, theatre, cinema, community,
    Test Match Special, afternoon tea, and even The ǀ Archers ● may ǀ flourish:
    O Lord who hast now delivered us from a ǀ visit ǀ by the ǀ in-laws.
    Chants: S. Wesley; T. A. Walmisley
    Psalmist: Not David…