Adoramus te, Christe
  • Comments welcome. Help requested fixing measure 30.

    Metronome crotchet = 69
    Adoramus te Christe.pdf
  • CGM
    Posts: 705
    here's one potential fix
    8949 x 6216 - 570K
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Your cross relation is superb!
    Tallis would be proud of you.
  • CGM,

    Thank you for your help. As you can see, I did take parts of your solution. I wanted the open sound at the beginning of bar 31, so I recalibrated to make that still possible.


    Is your comment addressed to CGM or to me?
    Adoramus te Christe.pdf
  • To CGM, for his solution to the problem measure you asked about.
    As far as your work is concerned - I love it
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,199
    Nice, although there are parallel 5ths (okay 12ths) between T & B in measure 30 now.
  • Charles,

    I've found a few spots I still need to adjust. Thank you for catching those.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Bar 30 (in revised score): You've fixed one problem, but added another: You now have parallel fifths between the tenor and bass from beat two to beat three.
    [edit: was typing while CHGiffen was posting]
  • CGM
    Posts: 705
    Here the "potential fix" revised to end with the open fifth.
    9000 x 6033 - 569K
  • Another go at it.

    By the way: what is the "rule" (such as it exists) for syllabification in Latin? Should it be "sanc-tam" or "sanct-am"..... and on what principle are such decisions made?
    Adoramus te Christe.pdf
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,478
    Wheelock's Latin, 7th Ed.
    In Latin as in English, a word has as many syllables as it has vowels or diphthongs.
    Dividing a word into syllables is called syllabification.
    Two contiguous vowels or a vowel and a diphthong are separated:
    dea, de-a, dea; deae, de-ae, deae.
    A single consonant between two vowels goes with the second vowel:
    amīcus, a-mī-cus, amīcus.
    When two or more consonants stand between two vowels, generally only the last consonant goes with the second vowel:
    mittō, mit-tō, mittō; servāre, ser-vā-re, servāre; cōnsūmptus, cōn-sūmp-tus, cōnsūmptus.
    However, a stop (p, b, t, d, c, g) plus a liquid (l,r) generally count as a single consonant and go with the following vowel:
    patrem, pa-trem, patrem; castra, cas-tra, castra.
    Also counted as single consonants are qu and the aspirates ch, ph, th, which should never be separated in syllabification:
    architectus, ar-chi-tec-tus, architectus; loquācem, lo-quā-cem, loquācem.

    Also see this post for a syllabifier from Fr. Matthew Spencer
  • bumping for the season
  • Bumping