Gloria Patri for Introit and Communio
  • Basic question regarding the Gloria Patri - the Ordo Cantus Missae says (regarding the Introit, and this is then applied to the communio)

    "When the antiphon has been sung by the choir, a verse is presented by one or more cantors,
    and then the antiphon is repeated by the choir.
    In this manner, the alternation of the antiphon and verses can be as long as is necessary to
    accompany the procession. However, before the antiphon is repeated at the end, Gloria
    Patri, Sicut erat, can be sung as a final verse, in the same manner as one of the verses
    already sung."

    How does everyone interpret this?

    Is it: Antiphon-Psalm Verse-Antiphon-Gloria Patri-Antiphon?

    OR Antiphon-Psalm Verse-Gloria Patri-Antiphon?

    Maybe I'm overthinking "before the antiphon is repeated at the end". Because "in the same manner as one of the verses..." implies to me that the Gloria Patri takes place after a repetition of the antiphon.

  • Assuming that you're alternating single verses, then the GP is your last verse, so...antiphon-GP-antiphon. If you're alternating 2 verses between antiphons (what we usually do for Communion), then it's 2 psalm verses-antiphon-psalm verse-GP-Antiphon. But then, I don't do the GP for communion, so shoot me.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,212
    Note that the Gloria Patri is typically broken into three pieces (in Latin & traditional psalm tones):

    1) Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
    2) Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
    3) et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

    The first half of the psalm tone is repeated for 2), and the second half of the psalm tone is used for 3). Also, a flex may appear on the "-o" in both "Filio" and "principio". All this suggests (at least to me) that the GP should be regarded as a unit by itself, with Antiphon-GP-Antiphon after the final verse(s) of the psalm, irrespective of whether one or two psalm verses are alternated with the Antiphon.

    The treatment of the psalm verses & GP in my 'Gustate et videte' illustrates my preference.
    Giffen-Gustate et videte SAB-canon.pdf
    Giffen-Gustate et videte SAB-canon.mp3
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • If I'm doing the Introit during the actual procession, I'll do antiphon-psalm verse-antiphon-(psalm verse-antiphon as needed)-Gloria Patri-antiphon. If I do it when the procession is just about over (e.g. do a hymn during the procession and then the Introit while the priest incenses the altar) I do Antiphon-Psalm verse-Gloria Patri-antiphon. For Communion, I do what Jeffrey does: antiphon-psalm verses (usually in pairs, but not always)-antiphon, no GP.
  • Your interpretation is the correct one. It is what your OCM says plainly. In practice, though, it is my experience that unless the introit is sung for a very long procession,, Ant-PsV-GP-Ant is what is actually sung; and note that GP may not be omitted).
    As for PsVv. added to the communion antiphon, when this is done GP must follow the final V, followed by a repetition of the antiphon.
    Thanked by 2CCooze CHGiffen
  • Thanks everyone, yes - this sounds right to me as well, and it sounds like there is flexibility based on how much time is needed.
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    Yes, as MJO said is how I always plan it.

    If it is clear that there is space where music is "needed," you can split the verse from the GP with a repetition of the antiphon, depending on the length of such a reiteration.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,490
    Indeed, GIRM says that some chants are accompaniments, to be adapted to fit the required time, and instructions (not always completely clear) are given on how to do it.
    GIRM 37.b. Others, on the other hand, accompany some other rite, such as the chants at the Entrance, at the Offertory, at the fraction (Agnus Dei, Lamb of God) and at Communion.
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford