Mepkin Abbey, Moncks Corner, SC seeks Organist
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 551

    Needed. Organist for Mepkin Abbey, a Cistercian monastery outside of Charleston South Carolina. The monastery has a 3 manual Zimmer pipe/electronic hybrid organ in reverberant stone chapel. Liturgical music consists of sung psalms using original psalm tones, and traditional hymns, new composed hymns and Mass settings. The Divine Office is sung seven times daily, and a sung Mass is celebrated on four weekdays and Sunday. As a minimum, the organist would be expected to accompany singing at the Masses, and at Lauds/Morning prayer at 6:30 AM and Vespers/Evening Prayer. Required skills include proficiency on the organ, and the ability to accompany liturgical music using lead sheets (melody line with chord symbols). Ability to teach others organ skills is desired. Psalms, hymns and Mass settings are specified in Office and Mass ORDOs published by a member of the monastic community. Accompaniment lead sheets will be provided. While experience in Catholic and monastic liturgies is not required, it would be useful. Free room and board would be provided at the monastery, as well a modest stipend based on experience and demonstrated skills. Must commit to a minimum of one month. Contact Father Joseph Tedesco OCSO Superior at 843-826-5050 to arrange for an interview and audition.

    Listed on the AGO job board Jan. 13, and still up.