Psalm Verse assignments for Introit and Offertory
  • This may be a dumb question, but it has honestly not come up for me before:

    If you want/need to do multiple verses in between repetitions of the introit or offertory antiphon, where are those psalm verse assignments found? The Graduale lists verses for communion, but not the introit.

    Thanks in advance!
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,509
    This processional gives more verses numbers than GR. And, I think, is clearer about which of the verses is the antiphon (yes, you can look to see in GR, but this gives the numbers).
    And then there is also this Offertoriale by Stingl.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • The Offertoriale Triplex (Solesmes) contains verses for the Offertory antiphons. It may be had from GIA or Ignatius. Of course, it is Latin - you didn't say which language you need.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640

    The Offertoriale and Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum are what you’re looking for.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Thanks, everyone. I should have been more specific - I do have the Offertoriale, which usually includes 2-3 verses. We sing either the through-composed verses or simple tones, depending on the length of the procession and antiphon. It would be quite an offertory that needed more than that!

    The Versus Psalmorum is what I needed, as it seems to give one additional verse for each introit (in addition to what the Graduale provides). I suppose if we needed more than that, we could continue going through the psalm assigned to that antiphon.
  • Jared,

    The Psalmorum gives 2 extra verses for each psalm, not one. The first verse is in the text of the Introit itself, and two additional verses are printed in the Psalmorum.

    The standard way of extending the Introit is the re-singing of the text of the Introit, as far as the psalm verse.
  • The website will supply numerous extra verses for the Introit and Communio. One has to select the checkbox "Verses ad libitum", and the generator appears to supply the correct psalm from the Graduale Romanum (OF) or Offertoriale and Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum (EF). One can also choose the psalm (or canticle) and verses.

    If one does not like the output, choosing "More PDF Options" at the top of the page exports the chosen sections (all if one does not choose specific ones to include in the pdf) to the Illuminare Score Editor ( where one can then tweak the gabc. One can also copy-and-paste the gabc into and tweak in several different ways.

    I have found the first site (GABC Transcription) to be invaluable for preparing for EF sung Masses.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,509
    I suppose if we needed more than that, we could continue going through the psalm assigned to that antiphon.

    That's one reason for looking at the processional. e.g. Holy Family - GR lists Ps67(68):6,7,36&2, in fact the antiphon is assembled from vv 6,7&32 and the verse in GR is from verse 2. The processional indicates verses Ps 67(68):2, 5-7, 33-36 which is probably enough even for a Cathedral. (they assert that they are drawing from 'the Church's primary sources')
    NB and you can sing the doxology Gloria Patri ...
    Thanked by 1GregoryWeber
  • Patricia Cecelia wrote:

    The website will supply numerous extra verses for the Introit and Communio. One has to select the checkbox "Verses ad libitum", and the generator appears to supply the correct psalm from the Graduale Romanum (OF) or Offertoriale and Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum (EF). One can also choose the psalm (or canticle) and verses.

    That site looks really useful! Here is a link that works: The jgabc Propers Tool.
  • Thanks, everyone - good insights here. The gabc propers tool is especially neat!