Next Gregorian Mass setting to learn?
  • I'd like to hear your opinions on this. My (rather small) OF parish schola now knows the ICEL Missal chants, their Latin equivalents, and Mass VIII. We've been singing all of these for a few years now (VIII during the seasons of Christmas and Easter, and on higher feasts, simple Latin during Advent and Lent, ICEL chants during Ordinary Time), and it is time we add another chant Mass to our repertoire for use during Advent and Lent. I'm currently debating between Orbis Factor and XVII. I like Orbis Factor better, but I'm bound by my pastor to use an English setting during Ordinary Time as a compromise with those who don't like Latin, so I'm not sure how useful it would be to learn it. This makes me feel it would be most logical for the schola to learn Mass XVII.

    Should we roll with learning XVII, or is there some reason I should pursue Orbis Factor or another setting? I'm tired of using a requiem setting on Sundays.

    (For the record, I know and understand that Mass VIII is overused, but it makes sense for us currently)
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,509
    As I understand it, we are free to use any setting without regard to the customary assigment of chant formulae to seasons. Particularly if the schola does not know the customary setting, otherwise what would be the use of offering additional chants ad lib. So I would go for Orbis Factor with the older Kyrie A, and use it whenever you want.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    I would say Mass I for Easter, which is one of the most mysteriously beautiful of all the ordinaries.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,187
    Mass 11.
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    In this circumstance I would go with Mass XVII (with Kyrie C). Sounds like you have people to win over. Compared to Mass XI (Orbis Factor), Mass XVII sounds bright and cheerful, without being overly jubilant - this makes it well suited for Advent and Lent, as it strikes a tone of encouragement during the penitential season.

    So you would get a double win: you avoid handing your critics an opportunity to complain that the chant is dreary, and at the same time you follow the more traditional path. Someday down the road when you don't have to compromise, you can bring in Orbis Factor for green Sundays.
    Thanked by 1GregoryWeber