The Feast of the Immaculate conception at ...
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    St Bede's Clapham Park, Solemn High Mass. (EF of course!)
    All Propers sung from the Graduale Romanum 1924.

    Asperges, (first version).
    INT. Gaudens gaudebo (chant).
    KYR. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler.
    GLO. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler.
    GRAD. Benedicta es tu (chant).
    ALL. Tota pulchra es (chant).
    CREDO. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler.
    OFF. Ave Maria (chant).
    OFF. motet. Ave Maria, Parsons.
    SAN. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler.
    AGN. Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler.
    COM. Gloriosa dicta (chant).
    COM. motet 1, Dixit Maria, Hassler.
    COM. motet 2, Jerusalem surge, Isaac (Proper for the II Sunday of Advent).
    ITE. Mass VIII.
    Prayer for the Queen.
    Marian anthem, Alma Redemptoris, Guerrero.
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 209
    Although, why not Ite from Mass IX?

  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797

    I did tell the server (assistant M.C.) that we would do Mass IX, but I think they got confused (as did the organist), of course the intonations for the Gloria and Credo are Mass VIII and Credo III. I will point out we only sing Mass VIII on Feasts of the Angels that are not I Class! and Credo III is effectively banned here.

    N.B. Our Organist directs the new rite choir at the Mass before us, and assumed that it would be the Advent Benedicamus... The transformation of the Sanctuary from the subdued II Sunday of Advent (N.O.) to our Feast was a joy to behold!
    Thanked by 1Cantus67
  • Merciful Redeemer, Mississauga, ON
    Novus Ordo 7:00 P.M (Dec. 9)

    Prelude: Grieg - Ave, maris stella (arr. organ)
    Entrance Hymn: Hail, Holy Queen
    Introit: Tota pulchra es (Graduale Simplex)
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: Mass VIII
    Gradual: Benedicta es tu (GR1974)
    Alleluia: GR1974 (with psalm-tone verse)
    Offertory: Ave Maria (simple tone)
    Excerpts from Monteverdi - 1610 Vespers - Ave, maris stella
    Sanctus: Mass VIII
    Agnus Dei: Mass VIII
    Communio: Gloriosa dicta (GR1974)
    O Sanctissima (SICILIAN MARINERS)
    Recessional: J. S. Bach - Fuga in F major (WTC, Book I)

    Merciful Redeemer Men's Fraternity Choir
    Jeremy Tingle, Organist & Choirmaster
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 551
    St. Mary, Auburn, NY
    Noon Mass with the Schola Gregoriana

    Proper: Full, Graduale Romanum 1974
    Ordinary: Mass IX cum jubilo, Creed III
    Hymns: Immaculate Mary; Stainless the Maiden, Alma redemptoris Mater, Sung by all in the simple tone after the Dismissal.
    Not much else to say.

    Also a 7a said Mass with organ improvisations.

    To bed I must go.
  • Sacred Heart, Cincinnati, OH (EF)

    Pre: Ave Maria (chant) and Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
    Asperges I
    Messe de St. Hildegard with ad Lib Gloria 2 and Credo II (ladies only on MdSH, alternating on the Gloria and Credo) - Ite IX

    all Propers full tone, men only

    Offertory: Tota Pulchra Es (chant) - attached

    Communion: Ave Maria (Vavilov); Alma Redemptoris (Palestrina); Sub Tuum (Lambilotte)

    Post: Ave Maris (Piel); consecration of our parish to the BVM; O Come, O Come Emmanuel
    Tota Pulchra Es (Chant).pdf
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • St. Sebastian, Akron OH (EF) Sunday 1PM
    Hymn: Immaculate Mary
    Mass IX, Credo IV
    Gregorian Proper, psalm-toned verses to Gradual and Alleluia
    Offertory motet: Salve regina coelitum
    Communion Motets: Tota pulchra es Maria (Eugene Gigout, JAQ solo),
    Ave Maria (chant, request by an usher) Tota pulchra (L. Perosi)

    Things went quite well.
  • St. Mary, Help of Christians, Sleepy Eye, MN
    Sunday, December 8th, 11:30 a.m.
    EF High Mass (no incense)

    Proper: Simplified Gregorian
    Ordinary: Mass VIII, Credo III (constraints of rehearsal time)*
    Motet: Ave Maria, Arcadelt
    Hymn: Immaculate Mary

    Monday, December 9th, 10:30 a.m.
    OF School Mass, HS Schola and Brass

    Introit: Englished Gregorian
    Procession: Immaculate Mary
    Ordinary: Gloria, Mass of Wisdom
    Jubilate Deo Chanted Sanctus / Agnus, ICEL Acclamation.
    Offertory: The Angel Gabriel
    Communio: Englished Gregorian
    Communion: Like a Shepherd
    Ave Maria, plainchant with isons
    Recessional: O Come, Divine Messiah
    Post-Mass: Alma Redemptoris (simple)

    Monday, December 9th, 5:30 p.m.
    OF Evening Prayer II and Parish Mass,
    Men's Choir (vested, unaccompanied)

    Evening Prayer: LotH, with chants adapted SMC

    Introit: Englished Gregorian
    Procession: Immaculate Mary
    Ordinary: Missa Simplex, Proulx
    Offertory: The Angel Gabriel
    Communio: Englished Gregorian
    Communion: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
    Recessional: O Come, Divine Messiah

    *although, to add my two cents -- I feel like the only people who really mind Mass VIII are the musicians themselves. For everyone else, it is beautiful, familiar, and edifying, when done well.
  • St. Mary of Pine Bluff, Cross Plains, WI
    Sunday, Dec. 8, 10:00 AM
    TL/EF Solemn Pontifical Mass at the Throne
    Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, celebrant

    Choirs: Parish Choir (SATB motets); Event Choir (SATB procession, Terce, SAB Mass, SATB motets); Men’s Schola (Mass proper)
    Guest Organist: Bruce Bengtson

    Procession: Ecce sacerdos, Bonvin
    Terce: Gregorian
    Mass Proper: Gregorian
    Mass Ordinary: Messe secunda, Haller; Credo III; Ite VIII
    Motet during Offertory: Ave gratia plena, Verdonck
    Motet I during Communion: Regali ex progenie, Handl
    Motet II during Communion: Ave maris stella, Stadlmayr
    Seasonal Marian Antiphon: Alma Redemptoris Mater, simple tone
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    *although, to add my two cents -- I feel like the only people who really mind Mass VIII are the musicians themselves. For everyone else, it is beautiful, familiar, and edifying, when done well.

    Mass VIII and Credo III (sometime subtitled 'de Angelis) have two problems,
    1. They are relatively modern (if you believe the dates given)

    2. Too many people do them all the time, can we please have a variety.

    We do Mass VIII on feasts of the Angels that are not first class, but Credo III is effectively banned (We do I, II, IV and VI and two soon to be three polyphonic settings) There is such a thing as too much variety.