List your Church, City, State or others in your area that have Sacred Music
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I am in sales and my territory has grown.
    I am now responsible for Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and El Paso Texas.
    Next week I will be in Colorado for the Immaculate Conception (transferred to Monday). I would like to attend a Mass. I will be in Denver.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I'll go first:
    Our Lady of Grace Parish - Maricopa, AZ - 8am Mass on Sundays
  • Georgia - relative vicinity of Atlanta:

    Off the top of my head...

    - St. Frances de Sales (FSSP) - Mableton, GA
    - Our Lady of the Mountains (OF) - Jasper, GA
    - St. James (OF) - Madison, GA
  • If you are in Denver and feeling Eastern, check out their tiny but beautiful Byzantine Catholic church.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,231
    Phoenix has some churches to visit for respectable music or dignified liturgy: the Cathedral of SS. Simon and Jude (where @matthewj is director of sacred music), and St. Joan of Arc, where Jeffrey Morse is director of music. There's also an EF Mass at Mater Misericordiae parish, run by the Fraternity of St. Peter.
    Thanked by 2Kathy FSSPmusic
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 726
    My parish of St. Paul in Akron, Ohio celebrates an EF Mass on Friday's at 5:30pm.

  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    In addition to those Chonak has mentioned, Phoenix also has an SSPX parish for those so inclined (Our Lady of Sorrows) as well as St Catherine of Siena (EF on MWF and Sunday evening, although I think Missa Cantata is only 1x/mo) and the Newman Center at ASU which has an evening Mass with organ, vernacular propers, and a Latin Ordinary (Missal/Jubilate Deo).

    I attended Good Friday this year at St Mary Magdalene in Gilbert and there was a sizable (and young!) choir that sang Gregorian chant and several polyphonic works quite well.

    There are several other parishes around with excellent organists and respectable hymnody. Adherence rate to the sacred music ideal varies amongst them.

    Also in Gilbert is St Thomas Byzantine Catholic Church, which I was always glad to visit when I lived nearby.
  • Phoenix also has an FSSP parish (Mater Misericordiae) where Fr. Walker was serving when there was that terrible accident just a few years ago. I know several in the choir.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Actually no matter where you are in the Phoenix metro area, there is a Church with sacred music nearby.

    The Basilica of St. Mary - regularly has chant, professional choir, pipe organ, very good organist, music at daily Mass Tuesday-Friday at noon
    The Cathedral of SS. Simon and Jude - fully Sung Masses, Gregorian propers everywhere (including Spanish Masses), only Gregorian and polyphonic Ordinaries, pipe organ, ad orientem 11am Sundays, 6:30pm Tuesdays, 8:30am Fridays. Music at daily Masses frequently.
    St. Thomas the Apostle - choir sings a lot of polyphony, 11am ad orientem

    St. Joan of Arc - growing program, likely with Choristers in a few years, English chant
    St. Bernadette - English and Latin chant frequently

    East (Scottsdale)
    St. Maria Goretti - semi-professional choir, good motets, English chant, occasionally things from the 1980s/1990s. Pipe organ and excellent organist.

    East (Tempe)
    All Saints Newman Center (ASU) - 5:00pm Mass, professional men's schola, mostly English chant with some Latin and motets. TLM occasionally.

    Far East
    St. Mary Magdalene, Gilbert - English chant everywhere, small pipe organ, choristers in formation. Some Masses ad orientem.
    St. Anne, Gilbert - 11am Mass has Gregorian chant and motets, fully chanted Mass ad orientem. TLM occasionally.

    St. Clare of Assisi Surprise - English chant, solid hymnody, sung Masses regularly

    Mater Misericordiae - FSSP, Gregorian propers, motets, very nice small pipe organ (an ASU practice instrument that was revoiced by Rosales), all TLM
    Our Lady of Sorrows - SSPX, all TLM
    St. Catherine of Sienna - Hauptwerk organ and chant regularly, all Masses ad orientem. TLM often.

    Way out there
    St. Margaret Mary, Bullhead City - Pastor is massively supportive of sacred music and probably sings Mass often. Lumen Christi materials in the pews. Choir is probably in a building phase. TLM occasionally.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen FSSPmusic
  • Matthew,

    I'm inclined to take (feigned) umbridge, since the rest of us have contributed our tiny knowledge of your native place.

    It must be fun living in such a rich musical environment. Do the choirs in your area engage in either friendly competitions or collaborative efforts?
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    I've continued to add more parishes to the above list.

    It must be fun living in such a rich musical environment. Do the choirs in your area engage in either friendly competitions or collaborative efforts?

    It probably looks a lot more impressive than it is - a lot of places are in their infancy of the sacred music movement.

    Since Phoenix is so spread out, it's not often that we do much together. We do social events once or twice per year (for CARD CARRYING REVOLUTION MEMBERS) and I usually try to hire a Music Director or two for big Diocesan events that I do the music for (Chrism Mass, Ordinations when held at the Cathedral, etc).

    For the most part we just go about our lavish lives as crazed revolutionaries simple workers in the harsh desert wasteland Vineyard of the Lord.
  • doneill
    Posts: 208
    It depends on how you define that "sacred music" barrier, but we are certainly trying to do good things at St. Brigid in Xenia, Ohio: a mix of solid hymnody and English propers, with plans to do more Latin in the future. We are also increasing the number of sung elements in the Mass, especially those in the MS first tier priorities. We have started a chorister program that sings for the principal Mass every Sunday. If you are in the Miami Valley of Ohio (north of Cincinnati/Dayton), we could use the help.
  • Omaha's Cathedral has an awesome music program.
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 209
    I'm so sorry that I'm seeing this late. We have High Mass at the FSSP parish in Denver (Littleton CO) at 10:30am on SUNDAY. This weeks lineup is pretty decent for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Since we follow the old calendar we have high mass for IC on Sunday.

    Here's the lineup.
    Processional: Hail! Holy Queen, Enthroned Above 203 *908
    Asperges / Vidi Aquam: Asperges *568
    Introit Antiphon: Introitus "Gaudens Gaudebo"
    Kyrie: Missa IX: Kyrie *731
    Gloria: Missa IX: Gloria *732
    Gradual: Graduale "Benedicta es tu"
    Lesser Alleluja: Lesser Alleluja "Tota pulchra es"
    Credo: Credo VIII - Ambrosian
    Offertory Antiphon: Offertorium "Ave Maria"
    Offertory Hymn: Alma Redemptoris Mater - Palestrina 598
    Sanctus: Missa IX: Sanctus *733
    Agnus Dei: Missa IX: Agnus Dei *734
    Communion Antiphon: Communio "Gloriosa"
    Communion Hymn: Sancta Maria Succurre Miseris 3042 - Victoria
    Communion Hymn: Ne Timeas Maria 1106 - Victoria
    Communion Hymn: Ave Maria 407 (if needed) - Anon
    Dismissal: Missa IX: Ite Missa Est *735
    Recessional: Hark a Herald Voice is Sounding 539 *795 (SEC version)
  • I didn't answer this, because the OP wasn't asking about my geographical area.
    It's kind of a funny question though. Any EF that's not a Low Mass will have "sacred music", though it may not be particularly skillful. I'm assuming we mean "not sacropop". Oddly, I find that churches with the resources to do good music are maddeningly middle of the road, and those with great taste don't always have the resources to pull it off.
  • Oddly, I find that churches with the resources to do good music are maddeningly middle of the road, and those with great taste don't always have the resources to pull it off.

    I like to think that we are in the latter group, but we sometimes cross the center line into the former. We are trying to make progress; it is slow, but still progress. We are indeed a "stiff-necked people".
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,341
    Oddly, I find that churches with the resources to do good music are maddeningly middle of the road, and those with great taste don't always have the resources to pull it off.

    Isn't that the truth!
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 209
    I agree, but maybe you'd find some that are good. Come join us at OLMC when you're in Colorado. You might be pleasantly surprised.
  • Sorry, I hope I'm not too late to post this.
    In Miami, FL we have the Cathedral of St. Mary and Church of the Epiphany.
    The Cathedral is to the NE and Epiphany to the SW.
    There are other parishes that offer a regular EF mass with music that is beautiful, but very different from the other, regularly scheduled masses.
    The Cathedral does a lot with a little. Epiphany does a lot with a lot. In my experience these two promote good music while keeping out the less appropriate music.