23rd Sunday after Pentecost at ...
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    St Bede's Clapham Park, London 11am EF First Holy Communion Mass.

    Asperges (1st version in L.U.)
    INT. Dicit Dominus (Issac setting sung in full with G.P.)
    KYR. Mass XI
    GLO. Mass XI
    GRAD. Liberasti nos, Domine (chant from G.R. 1924)
    ALL. De profundis (Issac setting sung in full with chant for first alleluia)
    CR. Credo IV
    OFF. De profundis (Palestrina setting)
    SAN. Mass XI
    AGN. Mass XI
    COM. Amen dico vobis. (Isaac setting with chant psalm verses)
    ITE. Mass XI
    Prayer for the Queen
    Marian Anthem. Salve Regina (simple tone)
    Final Hymn (recessional) Soul of my Saviour (Anima Christi) Full harmony for verse 2 & 3.
  • Lucky you!
    Shameless plug: I've set all the Proper but the Alleluia for CTB, and they can be found at cpdl. I'm particularly happy with De profundis.

    But we aren't there at St. Sebastian Akron yet. Here's what we did:
    Pro/Recessional: Sing praise to God ( MIT FREUDEM ZART)
    Ordinary: Mass XI, Credo IV
    Proper: Gregorian, psalm-toned verses for Gradual and Alleluia
    Offertory motet: Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile (German 1669. Pius X Hymnal)
    Communion: O Maria, virgo pia (14th c.)

    What was special: we got 3 parts going on the Offertory hymn (have an alto who can read now). First outing for the Communion motet, which we did with organ doubling the melody and providing a drone, me and aforementioned alto on the other voice. It wasn't perfect, but better than I dared hope with the people who actually showed up.