Illuminare Gregorio Score Editor
  • Did I miss something? Has the Illuminare Gregorio score editor disappeared?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,814

    It has disappeared from its old domain but has been at the one below now for a number of years,
    Thanked by 2Salieri CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,841
    Wow, "All verses to one line of chant" is a new feature!
    Thanked by 2tomjaw jsigur
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    @tomjaw, I wish I could hit the "Thank" button more than once!
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    The score editor moved to another URL:

    The hymn transcriber linked above is another fine Ben Bloomfield tool.
    Thanked by 2smvanroode tomjaw
  • jsigur
    Posts: 12
    Is my computer the only one on which the chant will not play in Chrome? Is anyone else having this problem?
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,841
    Ach, I got pretty excited about preparing a Stations of the Cross booklet, but
    isn't doing at all well with hyphens:
    The royal banner(s) forward go;
    The Cross shines forth in mystic glow,
    Where He by whom our flesh was made,
    In that same flesh our ransom paid.
    3. Where deep for us the s(pear) was dyed,
    Life('s) torrent rushing from His side,
    To cleanse us in the precious flood
    Where mingled, water flowed, and blood.
    4. Fulfilled is all that David told
    In true pro-phe-tic song of old:
    Amidst the nations, God, said he,
    Shall reign in triumph from a tree.

    initial-style: 1;
    centering-scheme: english;
    c4 f ixgi iv hGF gv g0ghg fv ed.. ;
    gv gv hv fED f ef dc cd..:Z
    d d f dc f fgh gv gf.. ;
    f ixfhivHG hv fvED fv ef dc cd.. ::
  • GerardH
    Posts: 504
    [transcriber] isn't doing at all well with hyphens

    The English hyphenation on that transcriber relies on having an internet connection to check against an online dictionary. There are also the following instructions on the About page for if you prefer to manually hyphenate single words:

    What can I do if it doesn't break up my word into syllables properly?
    Right now, there is an inconsistency in the way this is handled depending on whether English is checked. If English is checked, then you can separate syllables with an equals sign (=), but if you use one equals sign in a word, you must you it between every syllable, as it won't look that word up in the dictionary at all. If English is not checked, you may use a hyphen (-) and if you use one hyphen, you must use it on all syllables to the left as well. If you want to mark a word as a monosyllable, you may end the word with a hyphen (e.g., quo-)

    I'm not sure what your aim is with those particular letters in parentheses... [EDIT: I think I understand now, see below.]
  • GerardH
    Posts: 504
    Richard, it seems the hyphenation is malfunctioning somewhat. Not sure what the issue is, perhaps the developer can be contacted for a fix.

    Meanwhile, try the following:

    The royal ban=ners forward go;
    The Cross shines forth in mystic glow,
    Where He by whom our flesh was made,
    In that same flesh our ransom paid.

    3. Where deep for us the spear= was dyed,
    Life's tor=rent rushing from His side,
    To cleanse us in the precious flood
    Where mingled, water flowed, and blood.

    4. Fulfilled is all= that Da=vid told
    In true pro=phe=tic song of old:
    A=midst the na=tions, God, said he,
    Shall= reign in triumph from a tree.