antiphons for NO office
  • Specifically: The antiphons for the invitatory of 'morning prayer'. Is there a reasonable (or any) way to find them set to Gregorian melodies?

    I've tried to find them in cantus, older books of the Divine Office, Liber, etc., so far without success.

    Does one *only* do them to a psalm tone, or is there a melody for them?
    Thanked by 1Olivier
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    The Invitatory consists of Psalm 95 (Veníte, exsultémus Dómino), Psalm 100 (Iubiláte Dómino, omnis terra), Psalm 67 (Deus misereátur nostri et benedícat nobis) or Psalm 24 (Dómini est terra et plenitúdo eius). They are sung to very specific psalm tones, which can be found in the Liber Hymnarius.

    The antiphons that go with the Invitatory psalm can also be found in the Liber Hymnarius.

    An example: antiphon Christus natus est nobis (LH 16) with Psalm 95 (tone IV**):
  • Thank you! I feel stupid now... The LH is sitting right on my shelf...
  • (I think I'll cut myself a *little* slack, here, though. As I look at the various sources that are available to me -- online and in books -- there is a lot of mismatch amongst them. I'm sure there is a complicated explanation for it all, but I'm just going to go with what's in the LH. Thanks again.)