Does the text ""O sacrum Convivium" have a liturgical source in the Mass or office?
  • Does the text "O sacrum Convivium" have a liturgical source in the Mass or office? Do you have suggestion for a chanted setting.?
    O SACRUM convivium, in quo Christus sumitur: recolitur memoria passionis eius; mens impletur gratia et futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    I want to say it is from the Preface or Collect of Corpus Christi, but I could be completely off the mark. The text, anyway. The chant, evidently is: "Antiphon to the Magnificat, Second Vespers, Corpus Christi" --- but I am shooting from the hip.
  • Does Jeff know of a site that has audio files of chant antiphons?
  • Jeff, you are correct: "Antiphon to the Magnificat, Second Vespers, Corpus Christi". And the antiphon forms the key insight into Thomas Aquinas's theology of the Eucharist and of all of the sacraments.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    I do not know of such a site. sorry!

    By the way, I was completely off the mark above.

    The Collect for Corpus Christi is the one used at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. That's where I got confused. Apologies.
  • Thanks much:I found the Ambrosian score.
    Paul: I used your setting of "This is the day" as posted with the Chabanel Psalms and found to be excellent. The Antiphon had a good momentum. I may use this as a seasonal psalm.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Paul: I used your setting of "This is the day" as posted with the Chabanel Psalms and found to be excellent. The Antiphon had a good momentum. I may use this as a seasonal psalm.

    We have not been blessed to receive any contributions on Chabanel from Dr. Paul Ford (at least not yet!), so I am guessing you refer to Bruce Ford.

    "Does Jeff know of a site that has audio files of chant antiphons?"

    By the way, there is, but this site only has Gregorian PROPERS, no Divine Office yet.