Not that I plan on having need for this anytime soon, but I was curious about: what exactly are the Propers for a (Ordinary Form) Confirmation Mass with a bishop? I heard that there's a special set of Propers for a Confirmation Mass, but I can't find them anywhere. I'd like to have a copy of them to print and distribute to the members of a schola that I'm a part of.
I think for a good chunk of the liturgical year you do the readings and propers assigned for the day, and in Ordinary time you may use a votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, unless your ordinary or his OofW has decreed otherwise.
Your modern (1979) Graduale Romanum lists the requisite chants (with their various options) on page 644 (see attached). I think, in the Extraordinary Form, Confirmation, if done in the context of Mass at all, is connected to the Mass of the day; at any rate, the Liber gives no particular set of Propers for the Rite.
You should probably also learn the traditional chant of Confirmation, the antiphon Confirma hoc Deus (Liber usualis p. 1844; also PBC p. 98), which is sung at the appropriate time ("When all are confirmed [and] the Bishop washes his hands [of chrism]...").
This is an old thread (pre-new translation). Does anyone know if there are any changes since 2010? I have a confirmation in March--and the Bishop prefers to have Propers sung and requires Latin Ordinary be sung. :)
the Bishop prefers to have Propers sung and requires Latin Ordinary be sung. :)
Good problem! Contact the office of worship and find out if he will be celebrating the Ritual Mass of Confirmation or if he will celebrate the Mass of the day. That will impact which propers you use.
@Andrew Motyka --I did that already actually. That's why I came on here looking for the Propers. They weren't spelled out in my Gregorian Missal. But I'm all set now! And very excited. :)
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