Sacred Music Retreat 2019 Repertoire List Semi-finals
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032
    If you act *as soon as possible,* you may still be able to join us for our EF Sacred Music Retreat from August 16 - August 20, in beautiful Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, the day after our Solemn EF Mass for the Assumption featuring Mozart's Coronation Mass.

    To whet your appetite, here is the nearly-finalized repertoire list for the Retreat's major liturgies:

    St. Joachim, Father of the BVM
    Missa XV
    Full Propers
    Wesley, “Si Iniquitates”
    Holy Ghost, Come Down Upon Thy Children (DOVE DIVINE)

    St. Hyacinth
    Mass XIV
    Full Propers
    Delibes, O Salutaris
    My Song is Love Unknown (IRELAND)

    Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
    Processional: Purcell, “Hear My Prayer, O Lord”
    Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    Credo I
    Full Propers
    Ave Maris Stella, Edvard Grieg
    Locus Iste, Bruckner
    O Praise Ye the Lord (LAUDATE DOMINUM)

    Vespers of the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
    Psalms / Hymn / Canticle Chanted as Appointed
    Magnificat Falso Bordone 8G (Ciro Grassi)

    Votive Mass of the I.H.M.
    Full Propers
    Mass IX, with chant improvisations / isons
    Ave Maris Stella, Guillaume DuFay
    Ave Vera Virginitas, Josquin des Pres
    There is No Rose of Swych Vertu

    Vespers Mon. X wk. after Pentecost
    Sung as appointed
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • I believe, if not mistaken, the last two of these above specified will be at the Cathedral of St. Paul in St. Paul, MN...