Help! Proper chants for Ordination of Deacons
  • ghunter
    Posts: 16
    I’m stuck... Where would I find the Latin chants and texts for the entrance, offertory and communion from a Ritual Mass for the Ordination of Deacons?

    I’ve got everything in English, but this upcoming ordination they have requested all the proper chants to be sung in Latin. (Praise God! Such exciting direction from the upcoming priests!)

    Thanks you for your help.
  • Assuming OF.

    Graduale Romanum. Look for the section Missae Rituales: In Conferendis Sacris Ordinibus. There are numerous options. (p. 644 in my copy.)
  • I stand corrected. Out of curiosity, I searched and found that apparently there have been changes since 1974. Who knew? (Not me...until now.)

    Look here:
  • ghunter
    Posts: 16
    The above link has been very helpful, but it doesn't have the Latin Communion antiphon text or music.
    "Euntes in mundum..." There is a similar one, but it talks about going forth and baptizing, while the chant proper to the diaconate ordination talks about spreading the gospel.
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    I have them at home. I’ll post when I get a chance.
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Unfortunately I can’t seem to find it. Sorry.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 993
    "Euntes in mundum..." There is a similar one, but it talks about going forth and baptizing, while the chant proper to the diaconate ordination talks about spreading the gospel.

    This is an example of the Missal (or in this case: the Ritual) providing a text that doesn't exist in the corpus of Gregorian chant. Just go with Euntes ... docete omnes.