Cross-Referencing Chant Usage
  • In the Graduale Romanum, we often have chants printed one place, and then referenced for another Mass.

    Has anyone compiled a reverse reference, so that for any given chant one can see which Masses employ it?

    I occasionally come across a chant not in Easter, but giving an alternate TP Alleluia ending. Yet, I have no means for discovering when in Easter one would sing it.

    I suppose I cannot find a compelling need for knowing this, but it has been a question often enough to warrant asking if the work has been done.
    Thanked by 1Richard Mix
  • Often, Masses in which you find a TP but which would never occur in Paschaltide are for when that Mass might be used as a votive Mass as opposed to the feast.

    I try to make those associations for my choir (without making it quite so formal as a cross-referenced list) by asking them where else they might see a particular Introit (Nos Autem, for example - Holy Thursday and feast of the Holy Cross) or Offertory (Improperium - Palm Sunday and feast of the Sacred Heart)... or even a particular motif.

    Might be an interesting project!!
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,448
    INDEX ALPHABETICUS CANTUUM on page 205ff * of the Ordo Cantus Missae gives a list of some sort. I am not sure what the numbers refer to, but it may be out of date.
    * That's p103 of the pdf
    [ADDED] the numbers are the formularies given in OCM itself, eg 394 is the Missae in exsequiis
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,448
    Yes, it works. Ad te, Domine, levavi is listed as Offertory for 1, 31, 44, 112, 365. These are the formularies for :
    1 – Hebdomeda prima Adventus
    31 – Feria quinta post cineres
    44 – Hebdomeda secunda Quadragesimae, Feria Quarta
    112 – Hebdomeda decima quinta
    365 – Missa ad diversa 9 Pro chritianis persecutiona vexatis
    That all checks out with the Graduale Triplex, which has the neumes just the once, on p.17.
    And it includes chants ad libitum such as Qui manducat for Hebdomeda decima quinta, Communion. It does require a bit of to and fro, particularly if you rely on OCM on the computer screen.
    Thanked by 1RomanticStrings
  • Josh
    Posts: 103
    Forgive me for pointing out a small correction: the Latin word (itself derived from the Greek) for "week" is hebdomada (with one e and two a's, not two e's and one a).
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen a_f_hawkins
  • Wonderful! I will keep that in mind as I ponder over the chants in future! Thank you for your answers :)