Bilingual Communion Antiphon
  • I was asked to translate/compose a bilingual Communion Antiphon for a Mass of Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate. Does anyone know where I can find the Propers such a mass? The ordinations will take place within the Ovtave of Easter.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,487
    For the Ordination of Deacons in the Easter Octave, the Mass of the day is used - rubric on p.1161 of the Roman Missal US edition.
    That is a specific instance of the general rule, given on p.1118 "Ritual Masses are prohibited ... ,on days within the Ocatve of Easter ...", so it's not just Deacons, even a Bishop ordained on such a day gets the Mass of the day.
  • This is very helpful. Thanks!