Meditation Concert
  • On Low Sunday, April 28th, Sacred Heart Church in Cincinnati, OH will be hosting a Meditation Concert directed at reflection on the joy of Easter at 2:00 PM. Guests attending the concert are welcome to attend the 11:00 AM (Latin) Mass - this will be followed by a light lunch for visitors and parishioners alike leading up to the concert.

    Our concert this year will feature organ, strings and a soprano vocalist. Two of our choir (violinists from CCM *) will be joined by a cellist and soprano from CCM to perform the following pieces:
    • Final movement of the Mystery Sonata #10 (Crucifixion) by Heinrich Ignaz Biber (violin / cello)
    • Victimae Paschali - chant (violin / cello)
    • Sonata di Chiesa (Church Sonata) #2 in D by Arcangelo Corelli (violins / cello)
    • Air #43 (I Know that My Redeemer Liveth) from Messiah by George Frideric Handel (organ / violin / soprano)
    • O Filii et Filiae - chant (violins / cello / soprano)
    • Regina Coeli (Solemn Tone) - chant (violin / cello / soprano)
    • First movement of Sonata Unarum Fidium #3 by Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (violin / cello)
    • Aria #5 (Seele deine Spezereien) from Easter Oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach (organ / violin / soprano)
    • Ave Verum Corpus by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (violins)
    • Easter Hymn - Christ the Lord is Ris'n Today by Charles Wesley (organ / congregation / soprano)

    Meditation concerts are narrated between different segments - to propose topics for reflection during the performance as well as to educate on the nature of the music being performed. There is no admission charge to the concert, although a free-will offering is most welcome as we fund-raise for the Latin Mass Choir connected to Sacred Heart.

    * CCM is the College-Conservatory of Music connected to the University of Cincinnati.
    Joy of Paschaltide 3-24.pdf
  • Here is the final concert program (there is an additional text insert for all pieces with text). Happy Easter!
    Meditation Concert Program.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen