Organ processional for Confirmation Mass
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    A colleague sent this to me today:

    "I was wondering if you could help me with some music selection for Confirmation.

    We typically have the confirmands and the Knight of Columbus process in to something instrumental. I think we've used Trumpet Tune by John Stanley... But not sure if I'll have access to a trumpet player this year and am thinking of changing it up a bit.

    Any suggestions for some triumphant sounding processional songs on organ?"

    I'll pass along any thoughts you all have!

    I mentioned Veni Creator Spiritus...any fanfares/toccatas on this melody that you know about?
  • RCS333
    Posts: 43
    I usually play William Matthias Processional. If your congregation can send a (just a) little bit of dissonance, it’s a great piece
  • Matilda
    Posts: 76
    We don't have an instrumental processional - they walk in to " Lord you give the great comission"- not my favorite because it sounds like a business deal to me, but I don't get to decide. I think an instrumental anything would be better!
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    I have used several of the Handel marches for processions. Since the hymn must start when the confirmands are in the pews - divine decree not open to interpretation - I select something I can easily end and get out of. Then the hymn starts and his grace enters with a cast of hangers on, sycophants and adoring acolytes. A good time is had by all.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Matilda
  • henry
    Posts: 245
    What about Ecce Sacerdos Magnus? I know, however, that Confirmation is not about the Bishop.
  • There are plenty of 'trumpet tune' sorts of pieces by the English composers - for example,

    Voluntaries by Stanley, Boyce, Attwood, Croft, Alcock, and so forth.

    A good more modern one would be Peter Hurford's Fanfare on Old Hundredth,

    David Wilcocks' Fanfare on Gopsal,

    Francis Jackson's The Archbishop's Fanfare,

    or, especially, Ronald Arnatt's Fanfare for Organ.

    Check into numerous collections from Oxford, Novello, and Concordia with titles similar to Ceremonial Music for Organ.

    It occurs to me that, also, certain French baroque pleins jeux might work well.

    >There is also Reger's Toccata (or whatever its called) on Nun danket alle Gott. This would be quite a good choice.

    There is also Benedetto Marcello's Psalm XIX, The Heavens are Telling, arranged for organ and played often at weddings.

    Other borrowings from the wedding processional repertory might be appropriate.
  • If the colleague is capable of improv, definitely prepare an improvisation on Veni Creator! It's a great tune with plenty of fodder for a fun improv, and perfectly fitting for Confirmation. Doesn't have to be complex at all; the tune itself is quite majestic. I played around with it last Pentecost ( and will come up with something else this year. It's actually one of my favorite chant tunes to improvise around.

    Otherwise, if looking for something quick, majestic, and triumphant, the David German "Festive Trumpet Tune" is a nice processional (, and a pretty quick learn.
  • Nice improvising and good suggestions, Contrabombarde!
    Thanked by 132ContraBombarde
  • madorganist
    Posts: 906
    This is a very stately piece, ultimately derived from the Veni Creator, that works well with or without the melody soloed out:
    You can find the score on IMSLP.
    Thanked by 1mmeladirectress
  • Flor Peeters has a entrata on Veni Creator Spiritus in his Little Organ Book.
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • Antonio
    Posts: 43
    Grigny 1st (Plein Jeu) and 5th (Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux) versets for the "Veni Creator", from the Premier Livre d'Orgue (1699/1711); Bach "Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist", BWV 667; or its shorter version, BWV 631, from the Orgelbüchlein.
  • Antonio's Dialogue sur les grands jeux, from de Grigny's Veni Creator versets, is an excellent suggestion.
  • Antonio
    Posts: 43
    Antonio's Dialogue sur les grands jeux, from de Grigny's Veni Creator versets, is an excellent suggestion.

    Both versets could be used for processional and recessional for a Chrism Mass. The intermediate ones could be used for Elevation, Offertory and Communion, respectively. Or in a very festive manner, Veni Creator could be sung (once more) during Communion/Ablutions in alternatim with Grigny versets.