Psalm - Ordinary Time V/C
  • Hi all:

    Does anyone have a singable setting of the Psalm for this Sunday in Spanish? (Delante de los angeles...)

    The Responde y Aclama setting leaves much to be desired.

    Thanks in advance.
  • RevAMG
    Posts: 162
    On a slightly related topic, I was asked to provide resources for Responsorial Psalm settings in Spanish for a choir director who is not accustomed to organizing music for Mass in Spanish. These are the resources I could come up with:

    Responde y Aclama (OCP)
    Oramos Cantando (GIA)
    ¡Celebremos! (WLP)
    Chabanal Seasonal Psalms for Ordinary Time (CCW)
    Buena Prensa Salmos para la Liturgia (link) [Years A and B seem to be available but not C?]

    I encouraged the choir director to take a varied approach to selecting Responsorial Psalms in Spanish and use all the resources that are available. Does anyone know any other resources?
    Thanked by 1Richard Mix
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Very meager at present, but possibly worth checking from time to time.