Already printed copies of Vespers for December 21st?
  • Does anyone have already printed (i.e., electronic copies) of Vespers for December 21st? I've got all the parts, but they're in disparate places, and I would like to make a beautiful copy.... but (to be very polite) my ability to make beautiful booklets is limited when it involves cutting and pasting.

    Any help?
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    OF or EF?
    And if OF, then English or Latin?
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,092
    Maybe someone with a subscription to could help you? I don't have a subscription, but check out the attached free sample of a booklet available from the website for the first Friday in December. If you need this sort of thing regularly, maybe a subscription would be worthwhile?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    I or II Vespers?
  • Connect to for individual EF vespers through the year... and consider purchasing copies of his Vespers book (Vespers with Gregorian Chant for Sundays and Holy Days) through Amazon or Lulu. It is an excellent resource.
  • Quilisma,



    2nd Vespers. (I'm not in a First Vespers situation for St. Thomas)


    I checked his site before posting here, but I'll go back and look again to see if everything I need is actually there. Indeed I will consider purchasing the book -- but not if my only choices are Amazon and Lulu. (That's an argument for another time).


    I've never heard of -- probably because I have a hard copy breviary, but it has no music, or perhaps because I found divinumofficium first..... but it looks like your sample file is for an OF context. Given that I'm at an Institute parish, that doesn't seem like the right fit.



    I've checked carefullier and found everything except the Magnificat antiphon for the day. You suggested buying his book, which I'm willing to do. How do I contact him? I can see his picture but not any contact information.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,487
    If that is 'O Oriens ...' it is here, from asbloomf, all the O antiphons are available there for download.
  • I've reached out for other purchase options and will let you know what I find out...
  • Hawkins,

    I think the O Oriens is the commemoration, not the proper antiphon. and my Ordo support that conclusion.
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    Is this of any use to you then?

  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    We have a booklet for I Vespers... The Magnificat Antiphon is Quia vidisti me, and is for I and II Vespers pg 1326 in c. 1950 ed of the Liber.
  • Quilisma,

    Yes, I think that would do very well.


    So I can stop bothering people with these sorts of requests, I have one last question: did you prepare this page in a type-setting program yourself, or did you find a copy someone else had made? ( I own Finale, but I've never figured out how to set Gregorian neumes, in part because I can't find the function which would allow me to do it. )

  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    I used Gregorio and TeX.
    The antiphon (gabc) was straight from Gregobase (
    and the pointed canticle from

    Took less than 5 minutes to prepare. If, however, you want Latin-English side by side, then that's a bit more fiddly as you have to set each line in a table row, if it is to line up nicely - unless someone knows a faster way.
  • Hello, this is Albert Bloomfield, owner of this page and publisher of the vesperale. I added my email address to my github profile page so feel free to contact me if you want to discuss the book or if you'd like to discuss having me put together a PDF for you.
  • Oh and I am curious to hear what you have against Amazon & Lulu. I only publish the book on demand, so I don't know that there are many options beyond those.
  • Albert,

    I buy online only when there is no other option. Among the reasons for this are the fact that "safe and secure" is (clearly) fictional and that large online distributors put mom-and-pop shops out of business.