Occasionally, one finds on this forum a musician who has been dismissed for going too far in the reform for his or her pastor. We remember that many of us serve at the pleasure of the priest who may or may not be in tune with the movement for reform and scrap our way through what is needed and some times "forget" to ask permission. But what about the priests themselves as they relate to each other. Sometimes,even priests are also dismissed, reviled and shamed because of their liturgical concerns.
Case in point: I heard from a dear priest friend in a neighboring diocese who was dismissed from his position because his pastor was afraid of the reform he brought. This priest was dismissed from the parish, suspended from his order and put out to pasture for his liturgical views. Tis a sad case, but a reminder that this is a battle and there will be casualties. We forget that clergy can be in as vulnerable situations as ourselves.
Pray for our priests and bishops who support the reform. Pray for those who wear the scars of the battle and who have paid for it with their vocations and their lives.
A priest?!? I can understand how serious-minded sacred musicians from the laity can be easy targets, but when an order begins dismissing priests from their parishes and strips them of their priestly dignity we know much more clearly that the Evil One is truly on the prowl, and the stakes are remarkably high.
On the other hand, why should we be surprised? Political correctness has run amok, and the "useful idiots" in the media (both secular and Church-based newspapers especially) and among the progressivists feel no compunction over directly attacking the Holy Father.
More Rosaries, more chaplets to St. Michael, more prayer. On our knees, dear friends!
Thanks Kevin. In a parish where our schola sings on Saturday morning mass, a new problem emerged. One priest ,who I guess not called for funerals and weddings, is left to do Saturday morning mass most of the times. I don't think he really likes latin chant. Although we got a permission to chant Ordinary parts form the pastor, he cuts most of the singings. His reason according to him, is because the mass gets too long by our singing Kyrie and Agnus Dei. His mass last about 15 minutes at the most?(maybe less, I'm not sure. It's just super fast.) So fast I have to really watch not to miss the cue to sing the minimum we have left. (and I also have to make sure the communion hymn doesn't last longer than the communion itself.) There are many things I'd like to say but I won't. But I feel really sorry for the congregation who are looking for good liturgy where they can meditate and receive God's grace more fully. In the mean time, many people are getting used to the quick mass, no time for meditation no time for silence. I feel like being a robot whenever I have him in the mass. I kept assuring our schola and myself that the priests are human beings, they have their own problems too. We need to keep praying for them.
There is one priest in the parish who appreciates latin chants. He studied in Rome where he says he found the beauty of the chants and the music that can unify catholics, and truly supports our singing. But he is very young and has to go with other older priests. And the pastor is about to retire, and I was told that he wants to retire in peace, so he won't speak about it too much. The battle goes on, and I was told that we have the same priest , who doesn't support latin chant, again coming week. Pray for us.
Here's a routine reminder: Be patient about legitimate differences in personal taste.
Ah, the stories I could tell.... just yesterday I freaked someone out by launching into a mad rant about Lambilotte's Panis Angelicus and the old Mass. Church work doesn't make you crazy; it only does it if you do it right!
I don't have the sense of devotion or duty that many here do. For all I care, the Roman liturgy can get no better (and I see just as many signs that it won't as that it will). But I do have the trust that God will use my skills in something worthy of Him.
imho, and without direct reference to particular situations, it does seem to me that HOW change is effected is very important. The WHAT could be absolutely, objectively "best," but if it is done without making sure of the relational aspects of ministry (communication, education, patience, listening, political realism) then it won't go well.
This thoughtful post looks ahead to the upcoming year of the priesthood. In my experience, many priests have good liturgical aims but are fearful of rejection and ill-treatment from brother priests. We really need to go out of our way to concretely support our priests, and pray in solidarity with them.
Kathy, your point on the hows of things is well-taken.
I personally know priests who have been transferred because the congregation complained about attempts at reform. It's sad, but it happens. There are congregations that are so resistant to any reform, that the only way it will happen is when they all die off. If that parish happened to be a cash cow, like one in my area, our past bishops left them alone in the land of Haas and tried to not disturb anyone.
Please please pray for the young priest who defended our Church bravely this morning in one of the most "progressive' church in this area. There has been a bit of resistance of our schola singing here among priests and a small number of the congregation. This morning he volunteered to celebrate the mass with our schola, because other priests don't welcome the singing latin chants. He spoke bravely to the congregation that our tradition is important and our Pope wants us to preserve the tradition in our liturgy, and he also mentioned that we cannot say that what the Church has done before Vatican II is wrong, Latin is still the Church's official language. I was so happy to hear from one of our priest, and people sang with us, Ordinary parts in latin. After the mass, some even said the pamplet I give out (The tract which is created from this forum) was so beautiful. One of the lady, who complained to me two weeks ago that our singing makes the mass long, even apologised to me. I trust God he will give him the strength, but I still have a bit of worry that other priests might transfer him or something. Please pray for him. He is the only hope here. Thank you.
Mia, I suspect you don't want to give too much away on the internet, (possible invasion of privacy, googlability, danger of exposing him to even more animosity,) but can you tell us maybe the young priest's first name, so that we can remember him specifically in our prayers?
Thanks, G. His first name is Father Mike. When he stood in front of the congregation, defending our Church and the unity, and humbling himself to show us what our Pope is trying to do, regardless of his feelings and reasons, but following the truths, I was so moved. (I cry too much.) So were many people there.
Here's very powerful Novena for Holy Church and Her Bleloved Priests (with Texts from St. Catherine of Sienna's the Dialogue and the Prayers.)
Quote from Day Three
God Speaks to Catherine: O dearest daughter, I have told you all this so that you may better know how I have dignified my ministers, and thus grieve the more over wickedness. If they themselves had considered their dignity, they would not have fallen into the darkness of deadly sin nor muddied the faced of their souls. Not only have they sinned against me and against their own dignity, but even had they given their bodies to be burned they would not have been able to repay me for the trememdous grace and blessing they have received, for it is impossible to have a greater dignity than theirs in this life. They are my annointed ones and I call them my 'christs,' because I have appointed them to be my ministers to you and have sent them like fragrant flowers into the mystic body of holy Church....
The "land of Haas" would be a welcomed improvement in a particular close-by parish, where the pseudo "Rock-Star" music director frquently adapts Top 40 pop songs with "churchy" lyrics. A new pastor was assigned, and it was rumored that this was to be a top priority for him. He ended throwing up his hands and playing along with the show when the parish "circled the wagons" around their local celebrity and threatened an insurrection of sorts... it is ironic that the Bishop designated their chapel as a site for the EF Mass... a bit of Episcopal humor perhaps?
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