Introducing a new mass setting
  • PolskaPiano
    Posts: 255
    I am eager to introduce a new mass setting to the parish. We will be swapping out the Mass of Braodway from Age to Age to Mass in A minor by Frederick Strassburger by Lit. Press. It is a through composes Gloria. I am playing with the idea of introducing only the Eucharistic responses for the first Month and before using the new through composes Gloria at mass.

    I appreciate feedback on whether this approach makes sense or to bite the bullet all at once. I will say, once the congregation picks up a song they like, they sing with gusto. I had to last minute cover for a cantor last week and had an awful time singing with my allergies; the congregation kept going when I stopped to cough.
  • PolskaPiano
    Posts: 255
    And sorry for my typos. Typing aftr carpal tunnel surgery. . .
  • PolskaPiano
    Posts: 255
    Searching for archives here took me down a long rabbit trail. Seems Mass of Santa Clara is well respected by those who use it, but I would like to hear a recording and interestingly i cant find it anywhere. Anyone have an example?
  • Chaswjd
    Posts: 278
    It sounds like you have a reasonable plan. Do you take time before mass to teach the congregation the new music?
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,351
    I like your plan of beginning with the Eucharistic Acclamations and Agnus Dei before teaching the new Gloria. That seems sensible to me.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Polska, if you're referring to the Bob Hurd M. Santa Clara, the mp3 is available here:

    Don't bother with YouTube, only example there is abject misery.
  • toddevoss
    Posts: 162
    I also like your plan of beginning with Eucharistic Responses : I assume you mean Sanctus, Mystery of Faith, and Agnus Dei. If there is a Kyrie you could also throw that in. None of that is overwhelming. Then introduce the new Gloria. Perspective from a PIP.
  • PolskaPiano
    Posts: 255
    Thank you for the responses.

    I will stay with my plan.

    Toddevoss, yes, that is what I meant.