Public Domain translation for Jesu, Redemptor Omnium
  • nelemme
    Posts: 9
    I'm trying to find out if the English translation of the Jesu, Redemptor Omnium from the Angelus Press Hand Missal 1962 is in the public domain. It is not Caswall. I believe the same translation is found in the Baronius Press Missal as well.

    I've contacted the publisher without a response and have done an extensive search on line without success. Anyone have a name of the translator or another avenue which I can explore?

    I assume that it is in the public domain, but I need proof by either showing a copyright date or something similar.
    I am also also needing the public domain proof of the V/R from the Book of Daniel that would follow this hymn for Christmas Day Vespers.

    The first few stanzas read:

    Jesu, Redeemer of the world,
    Begotten ere the dawn of light,
    Wast of the Father's glory born,
    Immense in glory as in might

    Thou art the Father's splendid light,
    Thou art the eternal hope of all
    Throughout the world to Thee we pray
    O, hear Thy servants as they call.

    V/R Tomorrow the iniquity of the earth shall be abolished.
    And the Savior of the world shall reign over us.

    Thank you for any help you can offer!!!!

  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    It is not Neale, or the Benedictines of Stanbrook, or Gueranger (or at least the translator Dom Laurence.) or Connelly.

    It is similar to the Translation in the St. Andrew's Daily Missal... but I am running out of books to check...
  • nelemme
    Posts: 9
    Thank you for checking! I may have to use one of the known public domain translations.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Not in The Summit Choir Book (1983)