The local parish which has begun a monthly first Friday Extraordinary Form Mass is predominantly Spanish speaking. Their plan is to use 3 Masses for the balance of the year: St. Joseph the Worker (May), Friday in the Octave of Pentecost (June), and Most Sacred Blood of Jesus (all others). I suspect that there are English translations for these somewhere, but I would also like to know where we can find Spanish translations. Thanks all.
Dr. Ford - Our need will be for the congregation only as we in the schola will be singing Latin. But it sounds like Adam has an even greater need which is really good to hear!
The Coalition Ecclesia Dei Latin-Spanish booklet missals are available in bulk for $240 per 100 direct from the Coalition Ecclesia Dei, or for $3.95 each from Angelus Press. This covers the Ordinary.
Propers for Sunday Masses and some Feasts can be found at, under Misal Festivo. If the Propers aren't online, you might consider trying eBay for a 1962 Spanish-Latin Missal.
Chrism - Thanks for the pointers! I'll pass them along to the people in charge so they can prepare the libellus for our Spanish-speaking parishioners. It will be warmly appreciated.
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