Latin Psalter with accents
  • graduale
    Posts: 30

    Could someone point me in the direction of a resource (whether a webpage or a pdf, etc.) of the Psalter in Latin (as used in the EF) with accents for words of three syllables or more? It's a burden typing them with the accents into Microsoft Word..!

    Additionally, what Latin Psalters were in use in the 20th c. before the conciliar reforms?

    Thanks a ton!
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,498
    For a long list of psalters, see here. However none of them is marked with accents.
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 396
    Additionally, what Latin Psalters were in use in the 20th c. before the conciliar reforms?

    You mean psalters in terms of translation? Secular clergy who bought their breviaries after 1949 mostly used the "Pian Psalter". Before 1945 Jerome's "Psalterium Gallicanum" was the single option (unless you were canon at St. Peter's in Vatican or priest of the archdiocese of Milan) and it remained an option even after the "Pian Psalter" became standard with the 1949 editio nova typica.
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 396
    As for Gallican Psalter with accents this might be the most handy resource

    You could also go with (which also has the Pian Psalter if you want it).
    Thanked by 1Andrew_Malton
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,190
    If you want the whole psalter from Divinumofficium without screen scraping, go to the repository at eg

    The Pian version is
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,244
    If this is for a music project, I'd avoid the Pian psalter. It never became mandatory, and the chant editions up to 1962 never adopted it. It's in an appendix in the Liber Usualis 1961. Later books, from the 1970s on, use the Nova Vulgata instead.