Denver music in April
  • AOZ
    Posts: 367
    Look at this great musical lineup at St. John's (Episcopal) Cathedral in Denver. I wish I were there:

    Saint John’s Cathedral
    Music Events April 2009

    Friday, April 3, 7:30 pm - St. Martin’s Chamber Choir
    Passio Christi St. Martin's observes the penitential season of Lent with a program featuring the monumental Lamentations of Jeremiah by Thomas Tallis and John Ferguson's "Christus" series of hymn arrangements for unaccompanied chorus and viola. Also on the program are works by Battishill, Kuhnau and J.S. Bach. Tickets are $25 premium, $20 adult, $18 senior, and $5 student. or 303-298-1970 for more information.

    Sunday, April 5, 9:00 am and 11:15 am - Palm Sunday
    These Palm Sunday services with trumpet include the anthems Glory and honour and laud by Charles Wood, Christus factus est by Johann Ernst Eberlin, and My God my God by John Blow.

    Wednesday, April 8, 7:00 pm – Tenebrae
    Tenebrae (Latin for "darkness" or "shadows")
    This service in the middle of Holy Week centers on music sung by the Cathedral Choir (including Gregorio Allegri’s famous Miserere mei and Johann Ernst Eberlin’s Christus factus est) and the gradual extinguishing of candles and lights until only a single candle, considered a symbol of our Lord, remains.

    Thursday, April 9, 7:00 pm – Maundy Thursday
    This solemn liturgy of the Lord's Supper includes Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s Coenantibus illis and Jonathan Harvey’s I love the Lord.

    Friday, April 10, 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm – Good Friday
    These Good Friday services include My God my God by John Blow and Vere languoros nostros by Tomas Luis de Victoria.

    Saturday, April 11, 7:00 pm – The Great Vigil of Easter
    This Easter Eve service with brass and timpani features music by Ralph Vaughan Williams (Love bade me welcome), Herbert Howells (Haec Dies) and Howard Helvey (Awake, Arise!).

    Sunday, April 12, 9:00 am and 11:15 am – Easter
    Join us for this Easter celebration with brass and timpani, featuring music by Maurice Greene (Thou in thy mercy), Howard Helvey (Awake, Arise!), Ralph Vaughan Williams (Love bade me welcome), and Herbert Howells (Haec Dies).

    Friday, April 17, 7:30 pm - John Scott, organist
    John Scott is Organist and Director of Music at Saint Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York, where he directs the renowned choir of men and boys. As a recitalist, he has won first prizes from several international organ competitions, and his career has taken him to five continents. Recent engagements have included recitals in the USA, Germany, Hong Kong, St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Notre Dame in Paris and Slovakia, and St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, where he was Organist and Director of Music for fourteen years before moving to New York in 2004.

    Sunday, April 19, 9:00 am and 11:15 am - Easter II
    The anthem for these Sunday services is Behold how good and joyful by John Clarke-Whitfield.

    Sunday, April 19, 3:30 pm - Evensong
    Choral Evensong in the English Cathedral tradition, featuring Preces and Responses by William Smith, Evening Service in D Major by Herbert Brewer, and Ye choirs of New Jerusalem by Richard Shephard

    Sunday, April 26, 9:00 am and 11:15 am - Easter III
    The anthems for these Sunday services are Ye choirs of New Jerusalem by Richard Shephard and Stetit Jesus by Jakob Regnart.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    I wish I were there, too!