What is sung at a vestition ceremony?
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    What is sung at a vestition ceremony?
  • Are you asking about the clothing of a novice as he/she begins religious life? It can greatly depend on the customs of the religious order. The basic rules are:

    1) the rite cannot happen during Mass
    2) it is to be simple and direct
    3) it is to be held in the chapter room and not in the chapel
    4) An entrance psalm or hymn is sung.
    5) The psalm during the liturgy of the word is sung. The gospel acclamation is sung if a gospel is proclaimed
    6) The Our Father may be sung
    7) A song or canticle of praise is sung at the conclusion.
  • RevAMG
    Posts: 162
    In the Third Order of St. Dominic (for laity or clerics), vestition begins with the singing of a psalm or a song appropriate to the nature of the celebration, or the hymn of Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer, if the rite is joined to them. After the vestition itself, the prayer of the faithful, and the Lord's Prayer, the novices give a sign of peace to each of the members of the chapter while Psalm 132: Behold How Good and Pleasant is being sung, or the antiphon Ubi Caritas or the antiphon O Spem Miram, or another suitable song. The rite may be concluded with the antiphon Salve Regina or some other song.

    I would presume each religious institute has similar instructions or customs.
    Thanked by 1Geremia
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,451
    These Dominicans sang Veni Creator Spiritus during the clothing.
    Thanked by 1Geremia
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    What are the pieces used in this ceremony (@2:22, 18:09, 18:46)?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    The video's description points to a booklet in English, if that helps at all.
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    a beautiful one: Ecce venio ad Te dulcissime Domine, lyrics and setting composed by Bishop Tranquillo Guarneri on May 10, 1918, "for the Rev. Mother Giovanna Viganò [1846-1923] on the 50th anniversary of her religious profession". (I wonder if she's related to ++Carlo Maria Viganò?)
    Ecce venio ad Te, dulcissime Domine, quem amavi, quem quæsivi, quem semper optavi, dulcissime Domine.
    Behold I come to You, O most sweet Lord, Whom I have loved, Whom I have sought, Whom I have always wished, O most sweet Lord.