Hymn "O Holy Spirit! now descend on me" [MacKillop 10] (Charles H. Giffen)
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    The text of this hymn, by Christina Forsyth (1825-1859), is well-suited to Pentecost or Confirmation. Although the original text has nine stanzas, most earlier hymnals seem to have included typically four of the stanzas. This setting, to my tune MacKillop 10 (10 10. 10 10). comprises the first four stanzas plus the final stanza of the original poem.

    The musical setting includes an optional slightly altered harmonization for the second stanza, a descant for the third (and optionally fifth) stanza to go with the first stanza harmonization, as well as a rather different alternate harmonization for the last two stanzas, including a soaring descant on the final stanza.

    Thanked by 2canadash CharlesW
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    For completeness, here is the full nine stanza poem by Christina Forsyth, as published in 1861.

    1 O Holy Spirit! now descend on me,
    As showers of rain upon a thirsty ground;
    Cause me to flourish as a spreading tree,
    May all Thy precious fruits in me be found.

    2 Be Thou my "Teacher" -- to my soul reveal
    The breadth and depth and height of Jesus’ love.
    Now on my soul Thy blest instruction seal,
    Raising my thought and heart to things above.

    3 Be Thou my "Comforter" -- when I’m distress'd,
    Oh, gently soothe my sorrows, calm my grief,
    Help me to find upon my Savior’s breast,
    In every hour of trial, sure relief.

    4 Be Thou my "Guide" into "all truth" divine,
    Give me increasing knowledge of my God;
    Show me the glories that in Jesus shine,
    And make my heart the place of His abode.

    5 Be Thou my "Intercessor" -- teach me how
    To pray according to God's holy will;
    Cause me with deep and strong desire to glow
    And my whole soul with heavenly longings fill.

    6 Be Thou my "Earnest" of eternal rest,
    And "witness" with me I am God's own child,
    With His unchanging love and favour blest,
    By Jesus' merits fully reconciled.

    7 Be Thou my "Sanctifier" -- dwell within,
    And purify and cleanse my every thought,
    Subdue the power of each besetting sin,
    And be my will to sweet submission brought.

    8 Be Thou my "Quickener" -- in me revive
    Each drooping gaze so prone to fade and die;
    Help me on Jesus day by day to live
    And loosen more and more each earthly tie.

    9 Blest Spirit! I would yield myself to Thee
    Do more for me than I can ask or think;
    Let me Thy holy habitation be,
    And daily deeper from Thy fullness drink.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,967
    I can use this! Thanks.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    That's great, CharlesW. Thank you!!
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    *bumping* for Pentecost.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    *bumping* for Pentecost.