Images of missal responses for Easter Vigil
  • PolskaPiano
    Posts: 255
    A few generous folks came through with my last request. (The image worked perfectly and I am happy we can see with that translation.)

    May I ask for help again? I cannot find an online source of the chanted call and responses from the Roman Missal (3) for the Easter Vigil. I am particularly looking for the parts of Lucernarium: The Light of Christ. Thanks Be to God. and the responses at the beginning of the Exsultet. I appreciate any help, especially during this busy season.
  • cmb
    Posts: 88

    Not sure what you mean by responses at the beginning of the Exsultet. The only responses are the preface dialogue (The Lord be with you, Lift up your hearts, etc) which comes toward the beginning, but not right at the beginning. Then an Amen at the end. There's a PDF of the whole thing, including those responses, here: