Meditation Concert
  • Sacred Heart Church in Camp Washington (part of Cincinnati, OH) is hosting a meditation concert that will span Lent, Passiontide, and Holy Week. The concert will be at 1:15 PM, Sunday March 18th (Passion Sunday in the EF calendar). We have an 11:00 AM EF Mass which will be followed by light fare after Mass before the concert in our church hall for parishioners and guests attending the concert.

    Each section of 3-4 pieces are set off by an explanation that provides a reflection for the pieces selected. The concert should last just over an hour.

    The concert program:
    Ash Wednesday / Lent
    • TOTA PULCHRA ES (Henri Balthasar-Florence)
    • O SANCTISSIMA (Kevin Allen)
    • PECCANTEM ME QUOTIDIE (Christobal Morales)
    • REQUIEM INTROIT (Tomas Luis da Victoria)

    • VEXILLA REGIS – chant (Bp. Fortunatus)
    • GLORIA LAUS – chant (Bp. Theodulf)

    Holy Thursday
    • PANIS ANGELICUS (Kevin Allen)
    • IN MONTE OLIVETI (Giovanni Battista Martini)
    • IUDAS MERCATOR PESSIMUS (Tomas Luis da Victoria)
    • DESIDERO MI IESU (Kevin Allen)

    Good Friday
    • O CRUX AVE (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
    • VELUM TEMPLI (Sean Connolly)
    • MISERERE MEI DEUS (Antonio Lotti)
    • O IESU CHRISTE (Jaquet de Mantua)

    Holy Saturday
    • O VOS OMNES (#2 Tomas Luis da Victoria)
    • CANTEMUS DOMINO – chant (Anon)
    • SICUT CERVUS (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)

    Admission is free, although we request a free-will offering to help fund-raise for the Sacred Music Retreat that will be held in August. Hope to see you there!

    Passion Sunday Meditation Concert.pdf
  • That looks like a nice program. I wish I weren't 9 hours away...
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • An update on the meditation concert... thought it went quite well, and the meditations that were proposed were very apropos.

    I'm still processing through the various tracks that were recorded... we haven't worked out all of the kinks around recording, but here are two sample clips.

    The first is from the general Lenten meditation, which focused on seeking the intercession of Mary for a successful Lent (two Marian motets) and death which comes to us all (Responsory from Matins of the Dead and the Requiem Introit by Victoria).

    The second is from the Good Friday meditation.
    01 -- Tota Pulchra Es.mp3
    15 -- O Iesu Christe.mp3