Hymns based on Office of Dead responsories/Songs of Farewell
  • PLTT
    Posts: 150
    The Order of Christian Funerals provides 7 responsories (most from the former Officium Defunctorum, but not necessarily well translated) that can be used as a "Song of farewell" or other processional chant. Aside from the Subvenite, are there any other metrical paraphrases of these responsories or sung texts based on them?

    (2) Rogamus te, Domine Deus noster

    Lord our God, receive your servant,
    for whom you shed your blood.
    R. Remember, Lord, that we are dust: like grass, like a flower of the field.

    Merciful Lord, I tremble before you,
    ashamed of the things I have done.
    R. Remember, Lord, that we are dust: like grass, like a flower of the field.

    (3) Antequam nascerer novisti me

    You knew me, Lord, before I was born.
    You shaped me into your image and likeness.
    R. I breathe forth my spirit to you, my Creator.

    Merciful Lord, I tremble before you:
    I am ashamed of the things I have done;
    do not condemn me when you come in judgment.
    R. I breathe forth my spirit to you, my Creator.

    (4) Credo quod Redemptor meus vivit (with choice of response in English)

    I know that my Redeemer lives:
    on the last day I shall rise again.
    R. And in my flesh I shall see God.
    R. On the last day I shall rise again.

    I shall see him myself, face to face;
    and my own eyes shall behold my Savior.
    R. And in my flesh I shall see God.
    R. On the last day I shall rise again.

    Within my heart this hope I cherish:
    that in my flesh I shall see God.
    R. And in my flesh I shall see God.
    R. On the last day I shall rise again.

    (5) [Metrical paraphrase of the previous one]

    (6) Qui Lazarum resuscitasti

    Lazarus you raised, O Lord,
    from the decay of the tomb.
    R. Grant your servant rest, a haven of pardon and peace.

    Eternal rest, O Lord,
    and your perpetual light.
    R. Grant your servant rest, a haven of pardon and peace.

    (7) Libera me, Domine, de viis inferi (structure slightly altered in English)

    You shattered the gates of bronze
    and preached to the spirits in prison.
    R. Deliver me, Lord, from the streets of darkness.

    A light and a revelation
    to those confined in darkness.
    R. Deliver me, Lord, from the streets of darkness.

    “Redeemer, you have come,”
    they cried, the prisoners of silence.
    R. Deliver me, Lord, from the streets of darkness.

    Eternal rest, O Lord,
    and your perpetual light.
    R. Deliver me, Lord, from the streets of darkness.
    Thanked by 1JonathanLC
  • Have a look here: http://kpshaw.blogspot.co.za/2014/07/office-of-dead.html
    Also try The English Hymnal with Tunes no's 350 - 360

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    "I AM the Resurrection,” he said, “the Life am I.”
    And who in Him have kept faith, not one of them shall die.
    For all who trust our Savior, who call upon the Lord,
    all they who live for Jesus shall find a sure reward
    O God, in joy and sorrow, we sing our thanks and praise
    To You, the Source and Ending, the glory of our days

    I know my saving God lives, the Lord of my new birth,
    I know that at on the last day He’ll stand upon the Earth.
    And I shall be awakened and from the grave arise,
    and I shall see my savior, my friend, with my own eyes.
    O God, in joy and sorrow, we sing our thanks and praise,
    to You, the source and ending, the glory of our days.

    For none of us are living who have our life alone,
    and from our birth to dying our lives are not our own.
    For if we truly have life we are living in the Lord,
    and if we die in Jesus, we find our sure reward.
    O God, in joy and sorrow, we sing our thanks and praise,
    to you, the source and ending, the glory of our days.



    Eternal Rest grant her, we pray
    and shine the light of endless day.
    Appoint for her a place with those
    who in You died, and in You rose.

    Lord Jesus Christ, our Glorious King
    protect her soul from suffering.
    Deliver her from darkness deep,
    and give the angels guard to keep.

    Receive our prayer and offering,
    the tears we shed, the songs we sing.
    Accept our sacrifice today
    to aide the soul for whom we pray.

    With her, and with us, Lord be near.
    To You we cry, bend down your ear:
    For in Your mercy there is light,
    You make the darkness ever bright.

    Praise be to God, The Glorious King
    The Father, whom the angels sing.
    Praise be to Christ, His only Son.
    Praise to the Spirit, with Them One.



    Both are (c) Adam Michael Wood
    2384 x 3005 - 619K
  • Adam—what a beautiful contribution to the church!

    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • PLTT
    Posts: 150
    Wonderful, thank you so much Adam!