A Simple Four Part Requiem
  • Drake
    Posts: 221
    Last November, I finished a simple requiem setting for SATB.

    Coincidentally, this was also around the time of the passing of a fellow chorister in the volunteer choir of which I am also a volunteer. Of the choir members I know who have gone to their reward, most had lived long lives with gradual declines and deaths that did not come as a surprise. This time was different, however. In September, a young chorister in his thirties died somewhat unexpectedly. He had been fighting a difficult and painful battle with cancer. He did not recover from his last surgery, as he was expected to. May he rest in peace.

    I would like to share this setting with the group in the hope that it may be of use to someone. There is a free PDF download (creative commons) and electronic renderings of each part of the requiem (Introit, Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei) at the post here: http://www.catholicliving.net/simple-requiem-mass-setting/