Ordo Cantus Officii 2015 help
  • Hi, I'm looking for some info from the new OCO 2015 - I don't have a copy.
    What is the antiphon given for Holy Saturday in the extended vigils section?
    The old one is: Hodie afflicus sum valde.
    The English breviary has: From the depths of the nether world...
    Any updates?
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,007
    In the section 'Antiphonae ad cantica vigiliarum' the OCO 2015 gives for Sabbato Sancto:

    Dum tribularer, clamavi ad Dominum de ventre inferi, et exaudivit me. (Ps. 119, 1; Ion 2,3; CAO 2474; AM 408)
  • Great - thanks for this. Seem to have been aligned.