Bold text in GABC? (Maria, Madre de Dios)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    I'm not getting what I'm seeing in Illuminare with the following code: any hints (besides using italics throughout)?

    user-notes: Salmo Responsorial ;
    commentary: Enero/Jan. 1 ;
    annotation: Ant. viii;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 5;
    %height: 11;
    (c4) De(fg)us(g) mi(h)se(j)re(i)á(j)tur(h) no(j)stri,(i) (;) et(h) be(hg)ne(h)dí(i)cat(h) nos.(g) (::)
    <i>El</i>(e) <i>Se</i>(f)ñor(gz) ten(gr)ga piedad y nos bendiga, ilumine su rostro so()<i>bre</i>(j) <i>no</i>(h)so(h.)tros:(g.) (;) <i>co</i>(gh)nozca(fr) la(fr) tierra tus caminos, todos los pueblos() <b>tu</b>(fh) <b>sal</b>(g)<b>va</b>(f)ción.(f.e.) (:)

    hmm, I'm having trouble showing the code too: didn't that used to be covered here?
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    I just ran a test with your GABC (with the <b> markup, etc.), and it produced reasonable-looking output with bold and italics.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    trouble showing the code

    Because you are not using the forum CODE button (capital C)?
    Your() Gabc() Copy() Paste() Goes() Here()
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    You mean like this? <C [close-bracket] CODE button?</C[close-bracket]
    I think I finally got it.

    Anyway, here's my pdf, not showing bold:
    Deus misereatur.pdf
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    As I edit this text I see above the box a set of tabs
    (B I U S C picture chain quotes)
    Perhaps you can use the C (code)
    with a paste of gabc between the <code> delimiters
    and here in the forum it will display all your gabc?

    Perhaps you can format your gabc code into shorter lines instead of looking like run-on sentences?
    Your C (code) display is weird.
    Anyone looking at the forum will have to change their browser display size (control plus or control minus) to make this webpage content visually legible.

    The CODE delimiters Do show the gabc as copy-pasted from the gabc file
    and as expected does Not evaluate gabc formatting
    like <b>text</b> and <i>text</i>

    De(fg)us(g) mi(h)se(j)re(i)á(j)tur(h) no(j)stri,(i) (;)
    et(h) be(hg)ne(h)dí(i)cat(h) nos.(g) (::)
    <i>El</i>(e) <i>Se</i>(f)ñor(gz) ten(gr)ga piedad y nos bendiga,
    Ilumine su rostro so()<i>bre</i>(j) <i>no</i>(h)so(h.)tros:(g.) (;)
    <i>co</i>(gh)nozca(fr) la(fr) tierra tus caminos,
    todos los pueblos() <b>tu</b>(fh) <b>sal</b>(g)<b>va</b>(f)ción.(f.e.) (:)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Right; in order to make the angle-brackets "<" and ">" show up, you'll have to represent them in your forum input as "&lt;" and "&gt;" (i.e., as less-than and greater-than signs).
    Thanked by 2Richard Mix eft94530
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    OK, I'm seeing the problem now too: when I submit your GABC code to Illuminare's site, the on-screen display has both bold and italics; the PDF output has italics, but no bold.

    If you process the same input at the other Gregorio web site
    the bold and italics do work.
    Thanked by 2Richard Mix eft94530
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Curiouser and curiouser, but nice to know I can at least choose between bold style and hyphens!
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    FYI you have embedded a "z" which causes bad engraving.
    This (includes a few enhancements) might display better:

    name:MaryMotherOfGod / MariaMadreDeDios;
    <alt>Refrain / Estribillo</alt>
    De(fg)us(g) mi(h)se(j)re(i)á(j)tur(h) no(j)stri,(i) (;)
    et(h) be(hg)ne(h)dí(i)cat(h) nos.(g) (::Z)
    <i>El</i>(e) <i>Se</i>(f)ñor(g) ten(gr)ga() piedad() y() nos() bendiga,()
    Ilumine() su() rostro() so()<i>bre</i>(j) <i>no</i>(h)so(h.)tros:(g.) (;)
    <i>co</i>(gh)nozca(fr) la(fr) tierra() tus() caminos,()
    todos() los() pueblos() <b>tu</b>(fh) <b>sal</b>(g)<b>va</b>(f)ción.(f.e.) (:) _() (::Z)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    The "z" placement depends on which interface is producing the output; illuminari offers a cropped option which I find handy for inserting into Pages. I can tweek the gabrielmass site to give this incorrectly hyphenated version:
    Deus misereatur new.pdf
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Yes, I'm not fond of the hyphenation in the current edition of Gregorio either, but that's the version on the site. If I were using it for publication, I might have to use a PDF editor to move the hyphens.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    ....Everytime I see GABC I think they are talking about the General Association of Baptist Churches...
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    When I first saw GABC, I thought about the first four notes of the G-major scale.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    And I thought of the last 4 of C major ;-)

    I suppose everyone already knows what key Brahms' 5th Symphony would have been in?
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Need a hint, eh?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    Op. 111 string quintet, in G-major, re-orchestrated as Symphony No. 5?
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    You'll hate yourself, but keep looking for the pattern: c, D, F, e...