Gradual Hodie Scietis
  • I'm going to be really bold here, but I'm pretty desperate. My kids choir has been asked to chant the gradual on Christmas Eve. Foolishly, I agreed without looking at the music. The kids have done plenty of simple plainchant, but this is way beyond me, barely familiar with square notes. After scouring the internet for this in modern notation (yikes!), with no luck, and without a clear, slow recording for practice purposes, I come humbly begging for help. Is there some sort of translating app for this? Would anyone like to record themselves singing it? The former seminarian who passed it to me says it's totally manageable for my group, but it seems pretty complicated to me! Any suggestions?
    951 x 713 - 65K
  • Would it help if you had it transcribed to modern notation? If yes, include the verse as well and I will transcribe it for you.
  • Transcription of what you screen-shotted. Some minor edits - you'll want to change the interpretation I would imagine, but just a starting point. Transposed to start on D#.

    I have a playback file (mp3), but it wouldn't upload - perhaps over size limit although it isn't that large. If you need a playback, IM me and we'll figure a way to make that work.
    Thanked by 2canadash conbrio
  • The gradual for Christmas Eve is in the second tone, its melody is very similar to the gradual of the Requiem Mass (the first gradual in tone 2 I learned), if that helps finding something suitable.
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    If you look at, you'll find various recordings, and often organ harmonization for most of the Sunday chants for the EF.

    Here is one such example:
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    We're looking at the Plainchant Gradual (available at resources page), with the Solemes incipit copied over whiteout, so it's hard to tell if "d-sharp" refers to mi or (as I suspect) sol. But a bass would be expected to say that, wouldn't he?

    It's true the treble staff still lacks Christmas Eve propers.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    To my mind E-flat is better. I've been meaning to look into Soundcloud; here's an unwarmed-up attempt (I like it better than the following "related track", though).
    Thanked by 1conbrio
  • Oh my goodness! Thank you so very much for all of this. I will take this to the two cantors in the morning (a couple of young girls with big voices) and we will get to it right after mass. With any luck, the three of us will be able to teach the group on Thursday. As much as I love chant, I really do find the notation so overwhelming. Yes, I would love to hear it sung, Incardination. I'll just get one of my teenagers to help me figure out how to message you.
    Thanked by 1Vilyanor
  • Thank you for the track. Very helpful! Cantors took the modern notation and practiced with the sound track. I think we can do this! Many thanks to all. This forum is so wonderful:)
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    If you need modern notation, I have a Liber in modern notation, and could send you a scan of the page, if you would like. let me know.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    I think it's super important to break it up into manageable pieces. Even reciting it and chanting it recto tono to get a feel for the language before breaking it down. Also, you can have your cantors take the verse. Best of luck.

    If I wasn't writing this to take a break from finals, I'd happily offer to compose a simplified version of the gradual, but I couldn't do it well until probably the 13th.
    Thanked by 1conbrio
  • Conbrio, is this better?
  • So much better! Thank you. There seems to be an extra note at the beginning, which I believe was just a scribble on the original. No matter, though. I'll ignore. Other than that, it's perfect. Thanks again!
  • And thank you Vilyanor. I'm heading off to practice right now and will use your rehearsal suggestions. Very helpful.

    Good luck on your finals!
    Thanked by 1Vilyanor