Feb. 23, 2009 (CWNews.com) - A key Vatican official has called for "bold and courageous" decisions to address liturgical abuses that have arisen since the reforms of Vatican II.
It states very conscisely on the misinterpretation of the Council, abandoning church's tradition including Latin and Gregorian chants, false emphasis on 'active participation' merely as external and so on.
It seems that music has an important role to play to achieve this goal of Reform of the Reform.
The following is a quote from the article;
"Some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass versus populum, Holy Communion in the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favor of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. There was also the gross misinterpretation of the principle of "active participation."
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