Offert. Domine Jesu Christe (extended version)
  • This famous French blogger Yves Daoudal published an extended version of the Offertory Domine Jesu Christe for the Requiem Mass. The article and translation are in French but there is a MP3 recording.

    Do you know where to find the piece in square notes? It is not in the 1935 Offertoriale.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,486
    Does this page help? I do not have access to many of the sources listed, so I cannot check.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    The manuscript they have posted is not the version they are singing... I will try to find some time to see if I can find another manuscript!
  • Is THIS what you are looking for?

    Apparently verses for this were added in the Offertoriale Triplex.

    If I recall correctly, the FSSP's Requiem CD has extra verses, perhaps they are the same.
  • Brilliant! Exactly the one. Thank you JonathanKK! :-)

    And you are right: it is in the 1985 Offertoriale Triplex (additional page 189), I did not think of checking, duh!
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    I am tempted to transcribe the other manuscript... Anyway we will sing the triplex version on the next two Wednesdays!