Alternate versions of Gregorian hymn
  • The lovely hymn for Christmastide Christe Redemptor Omnium is often sung as in the Liber Usualis,
    but sometimes with a few of the notes omitted, and almost in 3/4 time (as can be heard on Spotify sung by the Choralschola of the Vienna Hofburgkapell) -

    am wondering whether anyone else likes / uses it, as we do.
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 394
    I haven't heard the recording you mention, but maybe it's something like this?
  • thanks but no, that's not it - you can find it here >>

    "Musica Sacra - Canto gregoriano, Intonazione dalla nota RE
    Christe Redemptor Omnium.pdf
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    Interestingly I can't find this hymn in the Ambrosian Antiphonal 193x, but the melodies used by Giovanni are not always the same as the melodies used in the Antiphonal. I suspect that there may be other Antiphonale that they are working from.

    The melody, according to the Dominicans is XIII c. I presume that the melody is found in their books, it is also used in the Monastic books, and in the Sarum, A look on Cantus should find plenty of Manuscripts. With these old melodies, we find plenty of variations it is common for the Sarum, Roman, Monastic and Dominican books to all use a melody with slight variations.

    If anyone wishes I could add the variations to this thread... either from the original manuscripts or re-typeset.

    Interestingly according to the Global Chant Database it was also used for the 'Ad cenam agni providi', and the 'Jesus refulsit omnium pius'