Working on a new YouTube series: "Chant Talk"
  • It's been a while since my last visit here. I recently accepted the Music Director role at Mater Dei Latin Mass Community in Harrisburg, PA, which is a wonderful opportunity to work in sacred music for a great parish! Since it's a part-time role, I have a little spare time that I've decided to devote to continuing my work creating instructional videos on YouTube related to Sacred Music, and especially Gregorian chant accompaniment. I'm calling the new series "Chant Talk," and I'll be covering a variety of chant-related topics. I'm hoping to put out about one video per week for the foreseeable future.

    The first official episode is up at, and picks up where my previous accompaniment videos left off. I've basically tailored my whole channel to this purpose, so give it a subscribe if you're interested in getting updates about new videos (

    Hope you find my videos useful! I'm always open to suggestions and feedback as well.
  • I'll be watching. I've already subscribed to you from prior videos.
    BMP (YouTube screen name "christusvincit")
    Thanked by 132ContraBombarde
  • You could start a whole channel. I think we should do "The McLaughlin Chonak Group", talking about relevant topics in Church Music Today. With panelists M. Jackson Osborn, CharlesW, Melofluent, and Francis. I'd pay to see that discussion.
  • stulte
    Posts: 355
    Thanked by 132ContraBombarde
  • You could start a whole channel. I think we should do "The McLaughlin Chonak Group", talking about relevant topics in Church Music Today. With panelists M. Jackson Osborn, CharlesW, Melofluent, and Francis. I'd pay to see that discussion.

    In all seriousness, I'd love to do some episodes with "guests" to discuss particular topics. I'm certainly not an authority on sacred music; just a another professional in the field who wants to spread the word, and wants to keep learning about our art!

    I don't see why we couldn't do a round-table sometime. If anyone has a burning topic you want to discuss, let me know and we'll setup a video conference and record an episode!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    LOL. I am not at all fast enough on my feet to preside over any sort of debate performance for video or audio. But maybe I could help to write the provocative topic questions:

    "Exit question: Is the Pope's liturgical style good Ars Celebrandi or just Half Ars?"