looking for translation of the propers for OF
  • Hi. I am looking for a spreadsheet or table of the propers for the OF translated into English. Not looking for music or a singable version, just something to consult for those not singing the proper to choose something to sing as close to the wording of the proper as possible.
    I am sure I saw something like this somewhere, did Ben Yanke have a spreadsheet for the simple English propers somewhere?
  • RevAMG
    Posts: 162
    Perhaps this would help? The Introit and Communio from the Roman Missal are compiled. Antiphonary Excerpted from the Roman Missal.

    Are you looking for propers from the Roman Missal? From the Roman Gradual? Do you need Offertories? What about Responsorial Psalms, Graduals, or Tracts? Alleluia verses?

  • This is a pretty big ask if it's to be complete.

    For the introit there are three choices of "proper" , namely the Roman Gradual, the Simple Gradual, and the Roman Missal. The latter two have official translations, but the first doesn't.

    For the responsorial (gradual) psalm there are again three choices, as above except the last being from the Lectionary, plus the fourth choice of a "seasonal psalm": all these are proper.

    For the Alleluia, there are five choices, if I haven't missed any: one the the Roman Gradual, two in the Simplex, and in the Lectionary two, one seasonal and one for the gospel of the Mass. During Lent when the tract can be chosen from the graduals, there is a compounding choice of proper "acclamation" to go with the Lectionary gospel verse.

    For the Offertory there are two choices: the Simplex and the Roman Gradual.

    For the Communion antiphon there are three, the same three as for the introit.
    Thanked by 1bonniebede
  • If it doesn't need to be a table or spreadsheet, aren't you just looking for the Gregorian Missal ?

    (And there is of course a new one available in hard copy which matches the current English translation of the rest of the Mass.)
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,487
    The processional chants of the Graduals (Introit, Offertory, Communion) are available here from the website of the E&W liturgy office (compiled by the Society of St Gregory). All the other options, including the alternative spoken texts for 'entrance antiphon' and 'communion antiphon' which were devised "to inspire the creation of suitable songs in the vernacular" (Bugnini p891) are in the Missal AFAIK.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen bonniebede
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    As Jonathan mentioned, the Gregorian Missal is easy to consult. Just turn to the correct Sunday, and it gives you the options for years A, B, and C. It has the Gregorian chants for the Latin, but just the English translations, below.
    Thanked by 2bonniebede CHGiffen
  • Thanks jonathan, i already have that downloaded and never thought of using it. you are a scholar and a gentleman.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen