Three Entrance Antiphons for the Celebration of Marriage
  • Some of you have seen this. Here's a free download • Three Entrance Antiphons for the Celebration of Marriage • Texts in English from the Roman Missal, 3rd Ed.

    Download and more info here:

    One never knows as they might come in handy. At least it's a start in helping highlight weddings as liturgical celebrations—obvious to us, but a challenge to communicate to many.


    • Designed to work for a Liturgical Procession
    • OR sung as a Gathering Song after the more typical procession
    • All are in the key of D to transition easily from any number of common processional pieces.
    • Antiphons are METERED in 4/4
    • The Verses are identical for all three: Psalm 128 — very appropriate for a wedding—and found as the verse for Deus Israel conjugat vos, the Introit from the Graduale Romanum for the Nuptial Mass.
    • While choirs are not the norm for weddings, the option is available.
    • Given the potential for varied instrumentation at weddings, guitar chords are provided. Although composed for organ and trumpet, these can be adapted for piano and other instruments.

  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,791
    Thanks,and would that all responsorial pieces were written with upbeats subtracted from the last bar: it takes a lot of guesswork out of when to echo the precentor!
    Thanked by 2Richard J Clark Liam