Hurricane Irma-Here we go again.
  • Things don't look good for Florida. My husband's parents, sister, brother in law, and their daughter live in south Florida. I am most concerned for my father in law, who is disabled and lives in an assisted facility in Hollywood. We are hoping to contact his caregiver soon and find out what their plans are. My mother in law now lives in Miramar and has begged us for years to move down there. This situation is precisely why we never will. Praying that this storm just turns and goes out to sea, if there is any possibility of that happening. If you are in south Florida, are you leaving your area now? As of yesterday my mother in law said she was getting her storm shutters up and that she didn't think she would have to leave. She rode out Wilma, but that was nothing compared to Irma. I just have such an awful feeling right now. God please prove it wrong.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Vilyanor
  • I'm in Tampa. I hope and pray that this one of those times when meteorologists are wrong, but please keep us in your prayers as most of those "spaghetti models" look bad for at least a portion of the state. I'm in my parish office now, and while we're trying to be "business as usual," there are a lot of nervous people in here right now.

    May I suggest the following prayer (besides and along with the rosary, litanies, etc.) - it comes from the "Masses for Various Needs and Occasions" in the Roman Missal, no. 37: "For an End to Storms"

    O God, to whose commands all the elements give obedience,
    we humbly entreat you,
    that the stilling of fearsome storms may turn a powerful menace
    into an occasion for us to praise you.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
    who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
    one God, for ever and ever.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    This one is scary. I have friends in Jacksonville who are hoping it doesn't get that far.

    Just read it now has 200 mph winds.
  • Caleferink: Amen.

    Living way down in south Florida, a few miles east of the Everglades. People are saying it's going to be like Andrew. Certainly hope not. That was bad. Lines at supermarkets and gas stations are quite long now.

    If it continues on its path straight west, going between Cuba and Florida, it probably won't do much harm to much of the state EXCEPT for the Keys, they are right in its path. They better be somewhere else by Thursday or Friday. If it suddenly turns north along the coast, all the beaches, Hollywood, Miramar, may get major flooding. If it turns up a little and goes inland, it's gonna get ugly. Hunker down and pray it goes quickly. Close your windows and get your pets and loose furniture indoors.

    Maybe if the system hovers over land long enough, away from water, it won't rain as much? And what happened to that supposed cold front coming from the north?

    Sunday Mass is going to be interesting for sure. Our Cathedral has suffered from water damage due to flooding in the past. Probably best to turn off the sound system.
  • rogue63
    Posts: 410
    I'm in Palm Bay, east coast, near Cape Canaveral. We're making decisions about cancellations and evacuating tomorrow. Fortunately, all my important music is safely stored in Dropbox! "Lay not up treasures on earth, where moth and rust corrupt, but in Dropbox, where you only have to worry about corrupted files."
  • Just saw Monroe and Miami Dade counties under mandatory evacuation, Broward schools are closed. I really hope my in laws leave. Still too soon to tell but I wouldn't take chances.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    I don't use Dropbox, but pay an annual fee for online backup service. Also do backups to disc and external hard drive. Yes, I am paranoid, but rather that than lose a lifetime of collected music.

    People are saying it's going to be like Andrew. Certainly hope not. That was bad.

    Yes it was. Had friends there and saw the photos of leveled neighborhoods. Prayers for everyone and for their safety.
  • Mother in law said tonight she is staying put in Miramar. Doesn't want to drive with the dog. Sister in law, niece, and husband are on a plane to New Jersey to stay with friends. No word yet on my father in law.
  • Please keep my choir director in your prayers. He's flying to Florida (on a previously planned trip) to visit family.

    Thanked by 1FidemInFidebus
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518

    Prayer stolen for the Cafe. Thanks!!
  • Continued prayers for Florida, especially those on the west coast. The east coast was mercifully spared the worst of the storm. My mother in law has been in contact with us throughout the entire weekend, and other than some palm trees down there's no other damage in her area, not even a shingle blown off her roof. It was a scary time no matter where you were, and she regrets her decision to stay. She said she's coming up to stay with us the next time. She planned to visit us anyway starting on the 19th, and it looks like more hurricanes could be on their way, so that actually works out LOL.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen bhcordova
  • Well, here we are. Irma has passed. I am still here. As I'm sure everyone has seen on the news by now, the storm, given its sheer size, didn't totally spare anyone on the Florida peninsula. I can't speak for anyone else around here, but for my parish in Tampa, mercifully it was spared what was forecast as it ticked further inland. It has lost electricity (as did hundreds of thousands if not millions of customers) and it hasn't come back on yet. The church is still standing strong, the main body of it untouched. Even without electricity we were able to resume daily Mass this morning. A bit of water came in through the steeple and seeped in between the wall and the latex paint in the recently-added narthex. Unfortunately my choir room will be unusable for some time as there was water infiltration from underneath (the meeting room next door is an even soppier mess). The carpeting will need to be replaced, but hymnals, octavos, organ repertoire, etc. appear to be fine (I'll have to go in with a respirator mask to retrieve them, though). I'll have to work out of an auxiliary office for some time and find a spare meeting room for choir rehearsals and warm-ups, but given the images I've seen of places in the Caribbean points farther south in the state that got the full force of Irma I should be much more thankful.

    Incidentally, I went to my fiance's home just northeast of here after the Saturday evening Mass (the only Mass we held this past weekend) to ride it out there, given its forecasted track. What would you know, it ticked east of that track and the eye wall came right over us in the middle of the night Sunday night-Monday morning! Thanks be to God the storm had scrubbed off in intensity by the time it got there and all I was doing Monday afternoon was helping rake small branches from the yard; there was a neighbor who had an oak tree uprooted and fall right at his front door.

    I think that's it for now. Thank you for your prayers, and please continue them as this whole area tries to get back to a sense of normalcy. Fortunately the forecasted track of Jose makes it look like he had too much Cuervo and just curl around and hopefully harmlessly out to sea.

    God bless,
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen CharlesW
  • My mother in law is the most gentle, soft spoken person I know. When she used the F bomb multiple times while saying over and over "I can't f-ing do this again I'm never staying through another f-Ing storm" I knew it was legit scary. They had 100mph wind in Miramar. I cannot imagine what that sounds like for hours on end. So glad it did not materialize into the disaster predicted.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Every region has its weather extremes - earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes, blizzards. There really is no safe place to live when you stop and think about it. I am glad this one was not as bad as predicted. I have been chatting with friends in Jacksonville who are saying the lack of water and electricity are the worst parts. Prayers for all of them.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Nothing ever happens in Central Valley of CA. (Fires generally in the Sierra and foothills.)

    That's why I expect North Korea will target us for the big one.

    'S okay.
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    Ouch! If that happens, where will all of us who don't live in the Central Valley of CA get our fresh fruits and vegetables? It's not okay. I can't live without almonds and garlic.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Posts: 8,496
    Every region has its weather extremes - earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes, blizzards. There really is no safe place to live when you stop and think about it.

    Saskatchewan is pretty safe. Northern SK gets the odd forest fire, and there were the plow winds in 95 that destroyed the old drive in movie theatre, and the blizzard of 2007 which was the worst blizzard in 50 years that shut the city down for a day while the snow plows had to spend the night clearing the snow from the streets so people could get to work the next morning, but nothing ever really major.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Saskatchewan is pretty safe.

    East Tennessee is pretty safe, too. We get the occasional weather thing, but the mountains tend to block the most severe weather before it gets to us in Knoxville. However, rainfall is high, so we may be too wet for some.
  • I'm in northeast Ohio. There was an F5 tornado that went through back in 85 a little north of where I live, other big twisters out in the western part of the state. Other than that nothing really happens here. I am perfectly fine with that.
  • Fidem.,

    IF you're far enough north and east, you're in snow country, and I used to drive through that neck of the woods to and from college.
    Thanked by 1FidemInFidebus
  • 20 minutes from the PA border, yep we get lake effect snow!