Mystic Modern: the music of Charles Tournemire
The use of the tract and gradual during period of lent through Palm Sunday
  • I wanted to find out what does one to in the case of palm Sunday regarding the tract and the gradual?
    I'm tempted to do it in the way laid out by the Gregorian missal (1990), though according to the tone of the Anglican use gradual to the modern text, rather than having a responsorial psalm after the first reading acting as the tract and the Lenten acclamation before the Gospel, with the gradual as the verse which is common practise here.

    Advise please! I'm confused!
  • The Ordo Cantus Missae reversed the usual order on Palm Sunday and Good Friday, probably so as to place Christus factus est immediately before the Passion, which is now read on these two days only.

    On Palm Sunday in the old rite only two lessons were read at Mass and the Gradual and tract were sung between them. Christus factus est was sung (alone) between the Epistle and Gospel on Maundy Thursday, and two tracts were sung on Good Friday, one after each of the first two lessons.

    The Ordo Cantus Missae re-assigned the chants of the gradual to make them accord with the three-year lectionary. Where the three-year lectionary is in use, it seems appropriate to follow the OCM in this particular as in others.