Culmen et Fons - Liturgical Formation and Sacred Music Conference
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Dom Alcuin Reid and several other distinguished speakers will serve as faculty for this liturgical formation and sacred music conference for priests, deacons, seminarians, religious, masters of ceremonies, liturgical musicians and singers, and other members of the laity. In addition to the principal curriculum of liturgical formation for sacred ministers, Culmen et Fons will also feature a parallel conference track for all those engaged in the field of liturgical and sacred music. Participants will not only have the opportunity to attend several of the lectures offered by Dom Alcuin, Fr. Thomas Kocik, Fr. Mario Testa, and Fr. Neil Roy, but will also study under the direction of Michael Olbash and David Hughes, providing the chant and polyphony for the sacred liturgies during the conference week. Repertoire to include Hassler "Missa Secunda," Guerrero "Missa Ecce Sacredos," and choral/organ Masses by Durufle and Widor.
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,940
    It would be worth it for Fr. Roy alone. That man is brilliant. Plus, he's a hoot.
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Fr. Roy is indeed brilliant! I'm so fortunate that my children get to hear him preach regularly at their school.

    Early registration for the conference expires on August 1, so get thee to
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    A few changes to announce in the line-up for Culmen et Fons:

    Unfortunately, Fr. Mario Testa is not going to be able to join us for the conference; but, in his place, we are happy to announce that Fr. Eric Mason of Lindsey, Ontario, will be delivering a lecture on seminary formation.

    The setting of the ordinary for the Pontifical High Mass with Bishop Joseph Perry on Thursday, September 21, has been changed to the Vierne "Messe Sollenelle," which many of us had the pleasure of singing together at the CMAA colloquium in Salt Lake City.

    The setting of the ordinary for the final Mass of the conference has been changed to Mass V, one of the rarely sung but nonetheless beautiful Gregorian Masses.

    Today is the last day to register without incurring a late fee, so please sign up if you haven't done so already!

    I would love to welcome my dear colleagues to Massachusetts!