The Catholic Organist's Quarterly - Spring 2017 
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    $40 for Spiral Bound Book - 200 Pages.

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  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Very cool - this is a very neat project and thank you for taking it up, Noel!
  • The further we get into this the less chance there is that you already have much, if any, of this music in your collection.

    These are the only ones found on YouTube out of all the music in Quarterly 3:

    Fantasia I - On DO, RE, ME FA, SO, LA
    Johann Jakob Froberger, 1616-1667

    Basse de Trompette
    Jean-François Dandrieu, c. 1682-1738

    Christ ist Erstanden
    Buxheimer Orgelbuch, 1460

    O Filii et Filiae
    Jean François Dandrieu, 1682-1738

    Veni Creator - Movements 3, 4 and 5 in book
    Nicolas de Grigny, 1672–1703

    Veni Creator (with ornamentation and Schola)
    Jean Titelouze, 1563-1633
  • ViolaViola
    Posts: 404
    I like what I see so far. Will future volumes have pedal parts?
  • Glad you like it!

    We are definitely considering doing a second year of organ music with pedal parts, totally dependent upon the sales of these four books. During the past year we have stockpiled suitable pieces with pedals as we have come across them.

    This will open up more repertoire to us from Great Britain and Germany as well as the French Masterworks.

    Of course, the d'Grigny Veni Creator movements 1 and 2 would be part of that, to match the manuals only pieces from the series in Quarterly Spring 2016.

    I am continually amazed at the great music that lurks in the public domain that is not better known.

    It is encouraging that people who buy only one book almost always come back and purchase the other 3 - and we honor the same offer of the discount for buying all four, deducting what they have already paid for the first book from the bill.

    noel jones